Tomm’s Ups and Downs: Before he was highly active and athletic, Tomm was passive and overweight and bullied in school as a chubby teen. But these led to change and the will to be fit, strong, and self-accepting what he is good at.


Along with his achievements came a pursuit for more that was never really satisfied, a sense of emptiness. 


Hardcore training and constantly pushing to the extreme, Tomm’s health took another 360-degree turn. Suffering from autoimmune disease (vascular inflammation and thyroid disease) led to an identity crisis. And so, it became a journey of self-discovery and figuring out self-healing.


Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessels in your system—the body's wholesale reaction instead of a locally or specific organ or system in the body. Vascular inflammation is like being stung by bees everywhere in the body. 


Qigong, an ancient study and practice of cultivating vital life-force, is about mindset, outlook, and lifestyle, changing back to seeing life and self from a happy and relaxed state.


As human beings, we are emotional beings. But emotions are energy in motion. When we keep it, the energy gets stuck. Healing is about releasing old stuck energy. It is about discovering the traumas, which are energy suppressed inside.


Urth Remedies: A wellness company that devotes to CBD (cannabidiol) tinctures and topicals, as well as medicinal mushrooms. Merges the best of both worlds for people who are dealing with illnesses and those who want to strengthen their immune system. We use plants as medicine from the earth and give back to earth by giving part of the profit for works remedying the earth back.


Tomm’s Best medicine: Discovering my purpose and what I want to be remembered for. My life used to be about myself alone—constantly asking what can I get. It was the reason for feeling life is always empty, getting all the accomplishments, and life is still half-fulfilled. Ask how you can be of service to others—the difference we make, the joy that we can provide for others.