07:44 Winning Miss Universe runner up was empowering. My life literally changed overnight. Everyone thought Canadians are all blonde and white. So my win represents a message for this country. 


14:09 Creating Integrity Dating: Came about in 2020–a time when the world needed it the most. I realized that the purpose of my life is love.


21:17 Integrity Dating Course: People are showing up unconscious, out of integrity and unauthentic with their intentions. This course is all about a more conscious approach to dating. It is a global movement on conscious dating.


22:19 Three steps to integrity dating: Self-discovery through mindset work; Transform Yourself; Become Your Best Self.


22:51 Seven Pillars of Integrity Dating: Self-Love, Authenticity, Integrity, Communication, Vulnerability, Energy and Surrender. 


23:32 Relationships are mirrors. Don't look at the people you attract, turn it back to yourself, and look at what is it in you that attracted that person.


24:47 It's not just about getting you to find someone; it's helping you maintain a relationship. It's not about finding the one, but becoming the one first and then sharing your love energy with others.


25:33 The most important relationship you have in your life is with yourself. That affects every other relationship you have in your life.


26:05 Becoming the love of your life: Great partners do exist but the love of your life is not outside of yourself. Make a commitment to yourself first so you can fully commit to others as well.  


29:00 Conscious Communication - When you approach communication from an intentional and vulnerable space, you can go deep real fast and get to know someone's heart and soul.


31:22 If you approach dating from a place of integrity, you attract a very different kind of person—someone that meets you at the standard of love that you've set for yourself. You come from a place of abundance instead of trying to fill a void within you.


33:55 My Best Medicine: Self-Love.