In this episode, we talk with our dear friend and former Hard Rocker, LISA NECRASON, who is now an Environmental Activist, Wildlife Conservationist, and Sustainability Strategist.


Look at the World Through the Eyes of the Heart


It is Better in Prayer to Have a Heart Without Words Than Words Without a Heart - Mahatma Gandhi


Website: DownwardGoat.comWebsite:  TrueNatureCompanies.comEmail: [email protected]Facebook: @TrueNatureCompaniesInstagram: @KaliNecrasonInstagram:  @TrueNatureCompaniesLinkedin: Lisa NecrasonTwitter: @InBalanceYoga


Suzy's Swirl - SuzysSwirl.comKathleen Wood - KWoodPartners.comSlinky - Wikipedia.orgKelvin Universe - Memory/Beta.fandom.comTrekkie - Memory/Beta.fandom.comJimmy Dean - JimmyDean.comSurf Expo - SurfExpo.comFull Sail University - FullSail.eduMarine Science Center - MarineScienceCenter.comMarine Mammal Stranding Team - Volusia.orgDownward Goat - DownwardGoat.comGoat Sphincter Muscles - Pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.govMudra  - YogaJournal.comEdmond Bordelon - LinkedIn.comIbuprofen - Drugs.comTylenol Rapid Release - Tylenol.comGoodys Powder - GoodysPowder.comIsaac Tigrett - IsaacTigrett.comThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - FranklinCovey.comMongalooshi - hand & finger slap that leave a mark on another person's foreheadRitz Carlton - RitzCarlton.comGaylord Palms - Marriott.comMahatma Gandhi -"Heart Of The Artist" - Rory Noland- Amazon.comJoani Loves Chachi - HappyDays.Fandom.comCatholicism - Simple.Wikipedia.orgTommy Spaulding -"Preach the gospel at all times.  When necessary, use words" - Huffpost.comClint Pulver - ClintPulver.comStarbucks - Starbucks.comApostles' Creed - CRCNA.orgRosary - Wikipedia.orgThe Pope - Britannica.comKashi Ashram - Kashi.orgMa  Jaya - Wikipedia.orgAshram - Wikipedia.orgHinduism - History.comBuddha - Britannica.comSai Baba - Britannica.comGonga Pond - Hare Krishna (mantra) - Wikipedia.orgGuru - Wikipedia.orgInterfaith - Merriam-Webster.comHard Rock International – HardRock.combookstarPR - bookstarPR.comThoughts That Rock – ThoughtsThatRock.comLeadership That Rocks: Take Your Brand's Culture to Eleven and Amp Up Results (Jim Knight) - LeadershipThatRocksBook.comCulture That Rocks: How to Revolutionize Your Company’s Culture (Jim Knight) – CultureThatRocks.comBlack Sheep: Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You (Brant Menswar) - FindYourBlackSheep.comRock ‘n Roll With It: Overcoming the Challenge of Change (Brant Menswar) – RocknRollWithIt.comCannonball Kids’ cancer – CannonballKidscancer.orgBig Kettle Drum - BigKettleDrum.comSpectacle Photography (Show/Website Photos) – SpectaclePhoto.comJeffrey Todd “JT” Keel (Show Music) - JT Keel


Environmental Activist, Wildlife Conservationist, and Sustainability Strategist, Lisa Necrason (also known as Kali) began her journey in the entrepreneurial world at a very young age as a model in the surfing industry and a back-up vocalist in a rock band, both of which served as a gateway to her long, professional journey in extreme sports, music and entertainment. 

A service-minded student of life, she focuses on the human condition and planetary concerns while developing transformational experiences that promote personal growth, nature connections, and conscious contributions to a healthier, more sustainable planet. 

With 30+ years of industry experience while completing 6 certifications in sustainability, permaculture, meditation and yoga, Lisa has developed conservation and wellness initiatives for iconic brands like Hard Rock Int’l, Surf Expo, and Full Sail University. 

These successes have clearly inspired her critical thought leadership and sustainable strategies to better serve the companies and communities she holds dear. Walking the talk both in business and as an avid volunteer, these days you’ll find Lisa on the beach rescuing or releasing turtles for the Marine Science Center in her new home town of Ponce Inlet, FL, on the estuary rescuing manatees for the Marine Mammal Stranding Team, on the Planning Board for the Town of Ponce Inlet studying sea level rise impacts, on a farm playing with goats and llamas while facilitating yoga and meditation classes, researching and vetting products and initiatives focused on net zero, and developing relationships in the podcast world to promote authors represented by bookstarPR. 

This is her idea of semi-retirement. :-)

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