In this week’s episode, I connect with Licensed Professional Counselor and Coach, Holly Coneway.  We dive into the challenges that come with not only choosing your career, but finding the balance between your passion and the practicalities of your chosen work.  Holly shares her story of her unique journey to becoming a counselor and what her reflections of this process has taught her.  Holly also shares with us how to remain practical and still follow your passion.

This episodes dives into:

How our community affects career choices. Recognizing your values to align with your career. Changing our expectations of our creative outlets. The challenge of taking risks and learning that you can remain “practical” and also follow your passions.  The importance of open mindedness in balancing passion and practicality in our careers. Finding mentors and people who are doing what you desire. How expanding our perspective is key to holding motivation and a positive outlook for our futures.

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