Today I’m really excited to share my conversation with Monica Denais, LatinX Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Rehabilitation Counselor in Dallas, Texas. Monica was also a huge support to me in starting this podcast.  We talk about the struggles of perfectionism, as well as how to identify and overcome these traits.  Monica and I share our own struggles with perfectionism and how we have helped ourselves and our clients to cope and transform this way of thinking.    

This episodes dives into:

The positive twist of perfectionism and how to utilize it for good. How to identify perfectionism. How perfectionism shows up in various stages and cycles of life. Diving into the roots of perfectionism. Impact of your family of origin and the roles within our family system on perfectionistic tendencies.  Justine & Monica share their own stories which led them to perfectionistic habits. How standards of communities and cultures impact perfectionism. The relationship between anxiety and perfectionism. The connection of procrastination and perfectionism. Shame as the driving force of perfectionism. Various models of therapy that support perfectionistic tendencies.

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