This Week in Trek: A Star Trek Podcast artwork

This Week in Trek: A Star Trek Podcast

547 episodes - English - Latest episode: almost 3 years ago - ★★★★ - 112 ratings

Insight and news about the world of Star Trek from Michael Gaines and Cara Donley

TV & Film star trek trek picard riker troi kirk spock mccoy scotty enterprise
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Episode 146, Stardate 1407.1 "Here's your unseen gas"

July 01, 2014 20:00 - 1 hour - 35.3 MB

News @realboborci is back on Twitter Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Have u ever tried or wanted to Vulcan Nerve Pinch anyone? Technobabble: Fake made up words without meaning are bad. Speculative science extrapolated from current tech is good. (From Neil) Star Trek in pop culture: How I met your mother. Season 5, "The Playbook". In this scene they’re remembering people & what happened as soon as they stopped worrying about dating. [clip] 00:24 Episode insight: VOY S4: The Raven...

Episode 145, Stardate 1406.25 "With mint frosting"

June 25, 2014 19:52 - 1 hour - 33.2 MB

News: ST2016 To begin filming in spring 2015. ANOVOS TNG Admiral uniforms: Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Which movie do u think Shatner had his best performance as Kirk? I think Trek 6 edges out Trek 2 as his best. Star Trek in pop culture: Community, episode Geothermal Escapism with guest LeVar Burton [clip] 00:17 E...

Episode 144, Stardate 1406.17 "Now with 100% more cats"

June 17, 2014 20:10 - 1 hour - 33.9 MB

News IDW’s The City on the Edge of Forever #1 will be at your local comic shop Wednesday, June 18, and will also be available in digital format. Star Trek Continues E03 "Fairest of Them All" is out. Ten Forward: June 16 was captain picard day (why is this here?) Star Trek in pop culture: The simpsons (at the end, Scotty can’t reach the controls because his body is too wide) [clip] 00:32 Episode insight: TNG S6...

Episode 143, Stardate 1406.10 "Planet Utah"

June 10, 2014 19:58 - 1 hour - 33.9 MB

News Roxann Dawson is now on Twitter. @roxdaws Ten Forward: Chris - Twitter: Do u think "All Good Things" from TNG is better than any of the TNG movies? Someone on Twitter asked if people held on to the past and treasured nostalgia. I said no, burn it & was told I talk about a 50 year old show, so if that’s not nostalgia, what is? Star Trek in pop culture: Fanboys (2009) - In this clip, assorted orig...

Episode 142, Stardate 1406.3 "Spock P.I."

June 03, 2014 20:01 - 1 hour - 33.3 MB

Spock P.I. News Star Trek TOS blu-rays now $59 instead of $322. Ten Forward: Star Trek III at 30 Chris - Twitter: Do u think "All Good Things" from TNG is better than any of the TNG movies? Star Trek in pop culture: Land of the Lost - Will Ferrell [clip] 00:06 Episode insight: TAS: Yesteryear Character insight - The last 99 episodes Subspace communications Ken...

Episode 141, Stardate 1405.28 "Iron Replicator"

May 28, 2014 20:26 - 1 hour - 40.1 MB

News Huston Huddleston sez: Folks, I need your help! If our Hollywood Sci Fi Museum is going to open in 2015. (Kickstarter) Jonathan Frakes To Direct New TNT Series — Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Who do u think had more quotable lines from TOS: Kirk, Spock, or McCoy? Star Trek in pop culture: Quantum Leap: S5 “Star Light, Star Bright” Episode insight: TNG S7: Homeward Character insight - Ru'a...

Episode 140, Stardate 1405.21 "What does God need with a barge?"

May 21, 2014 20:10 - 1 hour - 33.7 MB

News STID on Netflix Star Trek Experience opened May 16, Mall of America Ten Forward: Shapeshifter Odo could change mass? Didn’t seem to follow any rules. What should the rules of a shapeshifter be? Star Trek in pop culture: Space Jam - Michael Jordan says “Touch my Sargon basketball to get your talent back.” [clip] 00:12 Dr Who - The Impossible Astronaut (the silence) bathroom lady keeps seeing it & looking away which makes her forget what she just saw. [clip] 00:29 Episode ins...

Episode 139, Stardate 1405.13 "Banter poodoo"

May 13, 2014 20:18 - 1 hour - 36.9 MB

News Bob Orci to Direct STAR TREK 3 Hollywood Sci-Fi Museum development (new starship - TNG bridge restoration) Ten Forward: How many buckets of paint does it take to paint a starship? Star Trek in pop culture: From a listener - Ren & Stimpy Episode insight: TOS: Elaan of Troyius Character insight - Jack Crusher S...

Episode 138, Stardate 1405.6 "Mo Rikers, Mo Problems"

May 06, 2014 20:15 - 1 hour - 36.3 MB

News Anovos Voyager/DS9 uniforms, Tier 3 preorder $600. Tier 4 is $650. Seth MacFarlane tweets: Cosmos arrives on Blu-ray & DVD June 10! You can pre-order it on Amazon now SethMacFarlane creates new show: Blunt Talk, with Patrick Stewart. Ten Forward: Dr Who’s Sontarans vs Voyager’s Phlox from the Hierarchy. Same rac...

Episode 137, Stardate 1404.29 "Too many Rikers!"

April 29, 2014 20:10 - 1 hour - 32.5 MB

News Orci and Kurtzman to end film partnership; Orci lobbying to direct Trek 3 ST3 phaser: Coming Oct 2014. $34.99 Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Do you think if Enterprise had a different theme song, it would have been more popular? So that even @TheTrekNerd would like it? Star Trek in pop culture: Spaceballs, 1987. Mel Brooks, John Candy, Rick Moranis [clip] 00:55 Episode insight: TNG...

Episode 136, Stardate 1404.22 "Is there in truth no grumpiness?"

April 22, 2014 19:55 - 1 hour - 32.8 MB

News Seth MacFarlane has never said anything about producing a new Trek until now: RT @kevin_justus: @SethMacFarlane Why don't you bring a new Star Trek series back to the small screen? // Believe me I'm lobbying for it. “These are the voyages” behind the scenes book (Season 2) is out! Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Do you have a favorite FX shot in Trek? Mine is from Trek 2 seeing the Enterprise coming up from beh...

Eagle One Episode 1, "Moonbase Sunshine"

April 19, 2014 20:19 - 58 minutes - 27.5 MB

The April Fool's joke about Mike and Sunshine doing a podcast about Space: 1999 comes true. We talk about some of the history behind the show, some trivia, and discuss the first episode "Breakaway".

Episode 135, Stardate 1404.15 "1930"

April 15, 2014 19:57 - 1 hour - 33.5 MB

News S6 of TNG will hit store shelves on June 3rd, also Chain of Command available separately. Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: How would you compare Treks use of time travel to other Sci Fi shows? Ex: Back to the Future, Doctor Who, etc. Star Trek in pop culture: This is why Seth MacFarlane needs to be handed the keys to Trek on TV: Seth MacFarlane on Gene Roddenberry: TV Hall of Fame 2010 [cl...

Episode 134, Stardate 1404.8 "Companion and the Man"

April 08, 2014 19:49 - 1 hour - 39.7 MB

News Michael Dorn (@akaworf on Twitter) is now officially verified (Do we care?) Summer 2016: For the 50th anniversary -- the Enterprise will be moved to the Boeing Milestones of Flight Hall. Star Trek reference(s) in Captain America 2 Kate Mulgrew to narrate a documentary about how the universe revolves around the Earth. Yup.

Episode 133, Stardate 1404.1 "Bumblebee tuna"

April 01, 2014 19:48 - 1 hour - 35.6 MB

News Movie: “Unbelievable” starring tons of former Trek actors. Especially TOS / VOY Think Geek Enterprise frisbee Michael Dorn - Learn Klingon Rosetta Stone Ten Forward: Do you believe that the main reason why Trek isn't on TV is because the TV Execs just don't understand what Trek is? Par...

Episode 132, Stardate 1403.25 "Resistance is broken, make the futile go"

March 25, 2014 20:04 - 1 hour - 34.9 MB

News Klingon Beer: Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: What do u think was biggest flaw of the TNG movies? My opinion was trying to turn Stewart into an action star. Star Trek in pop culture: Garden State - 2004, Zach Braff, Peter Sarsgaard, Natalie Portman: A quietly troubled young man returns home for his mother's funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade. They’re sitting around the kit...

Episode 131, Stardate 1403.18 "Hopening"

March 18, 2014 20:26 - 1 hour - 41.5 MB

News Pre orders for TNG Season Six Blu ray are up (as of precisely 1 week ago to the end of our last show) TNG S4 Blu Ray $45.99 on Amazon. Harlan Ellison Script Unaltered 'Star Trek' teleplay of 'City on the Edge of Forever' to become IDW comic. Angry Birds crossover alt cover. Anovos Picard Jacket - pricing phase I (the cheapest) $250 How many female admirals were REALLY in that room? Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Ho...

Episode 130, Stardate 1403.11 "Adjust your jeans"

March 11, 2014 20:05 - 1 hour - 33.5 MB

News Cosmos (2014) made its debut. Thoughts? Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: What is your Trek guilty pleasure? Mine is I can't get enough of "Double Dumbass on You!" Darrell: Multi Modal Reflection Sorting Star Trek in pop culture: Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, WB/DC Comics, Mark Harmon, Jame...

Episode 129, Stardate 1403.5 "How I Met Your Klingon"

March 05, 2014 21:09 - 1 hour - 33.9 MB

News Kickstarter: Prelude to Axanar. Darrell is not impressed: Klingon battles again?? QM Voyager badge. Made from original molds, but in metal instead of resin. Too shiny, and center is black instead of dull silver. $20. @robertbeltran74 Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Your theories on how laundry is done on Trek, if they have laundry. Should Paramount make Trek "One Shots", similar to what Marvel is doing...

Episode 128, Stardate 1402.25 "Did somebody say Pi?"

February 25, 2014 21:06 - 1 hour - 38.3 MB

News Paramount theme park in Spain concept art released. Trek section looks like a slightly modernized version of the Vegas attraction. But with more outdoor decoration. Ten Forward: My whole point about last week’s “Avatar = 2.8B being a Trek story” is that if people wanna see Avatar’s Trek story to the tune of 2.8 Billion, some fraction of that would watch a TV trek & why woul...

Episode 127, Stardate 1402.20 "What does Uhura need with a comic book store?"

February 20, 2014 21:04 - 1 hour - 34.7 MB

News WoK bobbleheads. After 2 crappy toy releases in a row (hot wheels & bad STID figures) these are acceptable. Nichelle Nichols on Comic Book Men WHY is Nichelle in the middle of NJ when there are other places to find what she needed? Was visiting friends? Extra spending money? Doing a play? NASA finds wind-blown dunes in the shape of Starfleet insignias. Ten Forward: Is Avatar just a big fluffy Trek episo...

Episode 126, Stardate 1402.11 "Captain Ruk"

February 11, 2014 21:05 - 1 hour - 34.3 MB

News More extra crappy merchandise “Redshirts” is getting its own TV series. Very good for Trek if it does well because if a parody makes money, a new Trek certainly would. Star Trek Continues Episode 2 is out. Darrell: It’s like it’s 1970, the original actors were all fired, and replaced with excellent su...

Episode 125, Stardate 1402.4 "Vicious podcaster things"

February 04, 2014 20:51 - 1 hour - 34.3 MB

News New Kirk & Spock figures from Square Enix at Icky Comcast/Xfinity commercial Nimoy has COPD. Stop smoking now! Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: After watching TMP, I was wondering what Trek movie u think has the best name? I like The Undiscovered Country. || Darrell: This or First Contact Star Trek in pop culture: Daft Punk wins album of the year, Paul Williams at the Grammys. [clip] 00:12 Episode insight: TNG S1: ...

Episode 124, Stardate 1401.28 "I've got Star Trek nuts"

January 28, 2014 20:55 - 1 hour - 35.2 MB

News Anovos - Spock uniform from ST2:WOK - Preorder tiers by date: $950, $1000, $1100, $1200 Enterprise S4 Blu-ray, April 1, $130.00 U.S. and $150.00 Canada. ThinkGeek :: Star Trek Family Car Decals Gnomewise: I pulled the trigger on my Indiegogo fundraising effort. Any promotion or exposure you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link: Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: If @TheTrekNerd and @starmike finally meet and go...

Episode 123, Stardate 1401.21 "Golden engrams"

January 21, 2014 20:59 - 1 hour - 36.3 MB

News March 10, 1988 Thursday 7pm. 2 crazy fans break into Paramount and try to film a fake documentary & get caught. 3 days into writer’s strike. STID - Nominated Best Visual Effects Ten Forward: Chris Twitter: What Trek term do u think is the most widely used today by the general public? My vote is "Warp Speed". Chris Twitter: Who do u think had a bigger impact in Trek, the Borg or Q? Star Trek in pop culture: Sniper: Reloaded, 2011. U.S. Marine Sgt. Brandon Beckett takes on the t...

Episode 122, Stardate 1401.14 "Senior flutterer"

January 14, 2014 21:40 - 1 hour - 42.1 MB

News Star Trek Equinox: The Night of Time (TV Movie - and pilot) Fifteen years after the destruction of the U.S.S. Equinox, Captain Rudy Ransom makes his break for freedom! NC politician writes resignation letter in Klingon The official William Shatner watch: Egard. Dusted with asteroid dust. Engraved signature, Retail value: $1199. revamped TMP Ten Forward: Doctor Who fans know what it wa...

Episode 121, Stardate 1401.7 "Space Seeded"

January 07, 2014 21:09 - 1 hour - 33.1 MB

Mike and Darrel do a running audio commentary on "Space Seed"

Episode 120, Stardate 1312.17 "Darrell III"

December 17, 2013 21:42 - 1 hour - 35 MB

News 12/12 was Harry Kim day as proclaimed by Garrett Wang. TNG Rough cut tapes now on Youtube The Wounded – Peter’s Cut, The Child – 1st Cut and Later Cut, The Bonding – Cut 4, Evolution – Director’s Cut Ten Forward: Would u consider Scott Bakula an "A" list actor before he was in Enterprise? Just a thought from the last TWiTrek. Star Trek in pop culture: Troll (1986) A wizard who's been transformed into a troll attacks the residents of an apartment building, seeki...

Episode 119, Stardate 1312.10 "Hugh's the boss"

December 10, 2013 21:27 - 1 hour - 34.2 MB

News Joe Cornish is out as Trek 3 director. J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay to Write Trek 3 after their successful careers as having never written any movie. Ever. James Woods - MIT, Futurescape - Science Channel [CLIP!] Ten Forward: Vulcan nerve pinch: It’s not just pressure cuz Spock couldn’t do it as McCoy in ST3. How does it work? Star Trek in pop culture: "The Great Buck Howard" (2008) - A young man, much to the chagrin of his father, becomes the new assistant to an illusionist...

Episode 118, Stardate 1312.4 "Gooey aliens"

December 04, 2013 21:23 - 1 hour - 36.9 MB

News Star Trek Germany - Feb 21-23, Frankfurt. TNG guests + William Shatner Article floating around about CBS developing 2 new tv trek series. One, a crime drama like CSI. Another like ER. I choose to ignore these because they are so perversely horrible & must be pranks. Ten Forward: Marc Diego Sanchez (Twitter): I just re watched ST V mov,noticed Kirk wearing Levi's 501s, what companies do you think will still be around in the Star Trek Universe? Star Trek in pop culture: Movie...

Episode 117, Stardate 1311.26 "Then I took a strut through the knee"

November 26, 2013 21:21 - 1 hour - 36.4 MB

News "Enterprise" Season 1 on Blu-ray is now $44.57. Enterprise D pizza cutter. Now available where ever fine Enterprise D pizza cutters are sold. Garrett Wang says: “Ok, since Tom Paris Day was such a hit, we are officially going with 12/12 as Harry Kim Day” Ten Forward: Since Dr Who just had their 50th anniv, what should happen for Trek (besides the next movie)? Star Trek in pop culture: National Lampoon's Senior Trip - 1995, with Matt Frewer (Max Headroom & Time traveler “A Mat...

Episode 116, Stardate 1311.19 "Zarabeth remix"

November 19, 2013 21:17 - 1 hour - 41.4 MB

News Star Trek The Official Starships Collection's DS9: 150mm (just under 6”) across and stands 94mm (nearly 3 ¾”) tall from top to bottom of the pylons. Diecast metal. Available now in the UK, and everywhere else in Jan (21st anniversary). Star Trek Enterprise Season 3 is due January 7th, 2014 in North America. TNG S5 $57.99 at Amazon Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: What is your favorite Trek trivia that your average fan might not know? D: Where the name Klingon com...

Episode 115, Stardate 1311.12 "Jumper cables"

November 12, 2013 21:39 - 1 hour - 38.6 MB

News Joe Cornish rumored to direct ST3. Directed Attack the Block (2011), & 4 tv shows I’ve never heard of. TNG S5 Blu-ray out Nov 19. Kate Mulgrew to publish memoir (but she’s only 58) Star Trek Continues Ep 2 guest: Lou Ferrigno Ten Forward: Chris on Twitter: Which Trek death had the bigger emotional reaction on you, Kirk or Data? Star Trek in pop culture: Patton Oswalt standup act. Find the Star Trek. [clip] Episode insight: VOY: Year of Hell Part 2 Character insight: Nao...

Episode 114, Stardate 1311.5 "What's the frequency, Kenneth?"

November 05, 2013 22:13 - 1 hour - 37.7 MB

News: Marvel’s Agents of Shield crossover with Thor: The Dark World on Nov 19 directed by Jonathan Frakes titled “The Well”. We have an Android app Ten Forward: Name one mixed-race crew member from any show / movie. And I don’t mean alien/alien. I mean human/human. By now we should have many multi-mixed-race crewmembers. Star Trek in pop culture: Bad Taste (1987) The population of a small town disappears and is replaced by aliens that chase human flesh for their intergalactic fast...

Episode 113, Stardate 1310.29 "Sudo, lower the shields"

October 29, 2013 20:28 - 1 hour - 37.7 MB

News New Xbox One Commercial Features Zachary Quinto As Spock (with bad makeup, ears & wig) Ten Forward: Design a Star Trek experience attraction / ride right now. Go! Star Trek in pop culture: Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002) Back to the Future connections! Christopher Lloyd, Michael J. Fox, Writ...

Episode 112, Stardate 1310.16 "50 Shades of Spock"

October 15, 2013 20:22 - 1 hour - 32.8 MB

News Bob Orci talked to CBS about a new tv series. And that’s all we know. Takei’s take Star Trek Enterprise S3 trailer NYCC Ten Forward: GR said no jewelry on set in the TOS days. DeForest Kelley said no ring, no me. So he kept the ring. Should the no jewelry stance continue? Star Trek in pop culture: My Babysitter's a Vampire, 2010 Canadian made for TV movie - Vampire movie for kids. In this clip they’re talking about fans of a Vampire movie called Dusk and comparing it to f...

Episode 111, Stardate 1310.9, "Ctrl-Alt-Sisko"

October 10, 2013 03:52 - 1 hour - 33.2 MB

News Five Year Mission prepares to release their third full-length album, Year Three. (Songs about TOS episodes) Ten Forward: People use all kinds of chemicals today. Deodorant, fabric softeners, toothpaste, etc. What about in Trek’s time? Do we still, or is there something better? Star Trek in pop culture: Undertaking Betty (2002) Christopher Walken. (Netflix) Welsh funeral parlor owner Boris is about to realize his fondest dream. His true love since childhood will soon make he...

Episode 110, Stardate 1310.1, "Ctrl-Alt-Spock"

October 01, 2013 20:32 - 1 hour - 38.7 MB

News George Takei’s new web series: Google Glass | Takei's Take | Episode 1 Ten Forward: Trek has always been known for introducing new technologies from medical scanners to ipads & cell phones. What should Trek introduce next? Star Trek in pop culture: Red Corner (1997) Richard Gere. IMDB: An American attorney on business in China, ends up wrongfully on trial for murder and his only key to innocence is a female defense lawyer from the country. In the c...

Episode 109, Stardate 1309.25, "Sub Rosa subreddit?"

September 24, 2013 20:35 - 1 hour - 38.8 MB

News Star Trek everywhere at the Emmys. Klingons in an iPhone 5C commercial, Scott Bakula in the crowd shown several times. TOS and JJ cast merged Ten Forward: What kind of animated show should it be, if one is made? Kids? Adults? Both? What style? Star Trek in pop culture: “That guy who was in that thing” Documentary on Netflix. Interviewing character actors about the business. Scott Johnson [clip] Episode insight: TAS S2: How Sharper Than a Serpen...

Episode 108, Stardate 1309.18, "Quadratritihotdogs"

September 18, 2013 20:36 - 1 hour - 43 MB

News Bob Orci says “F-off” and deletes Twitter account. Ten Forward: I think of ST2009 & STID as tribute movies akin to musical tribute bands. Not real Star Trek. Star Trek in pop culture: The Langoliers (1995). Someone gets beligerent on an airline flight. Episode insight: TOS S3: FTWIHAIHTTS Character insight - Nurse Chapel Subspace communications 1000 questions

Episode 107, Stardate 1309.10, "Worfins"

September 10, 2013 20:25 - 1 hour - 35.8 MB

News STID Blu-ray out today. We unbox the Amazon QMX phaser box set. TNG Season 5 Blu-ray set and single-disc version of Unification Star Trek insignia ice cube tray, from Think Geek. Also makes fantastic-looking chocolates! Ten Forward: If replicators make everything, why do we need to mine things (many episodes)? Star Trek in pop culture: Star Trek Mastercard Commercial 1994 Episode insight: DS9: Necessary Evil S2 Character insight: Meriwhether from Emterprise Subspsace comm...

Episode 106, Stardate 1309.2, "This week in twerk"

September 03, 2013 21:01 - 1 hour - 50.4 MB

News STID Blu-ray bonus features on different discs for different vendors. Target, iTunes, Best Buy, Cinema Now, VUDU all include different bonus features. Star Trek: The Animated Series turns 40 on Sept. 8 Ten Forward: From Chris the Prof (Twitter) - Did studio meddling cause all the problems with Enterprise? (via @io9) Star Trek in pop culture: Numb3rs S4, Ep 14 Episode insight: VOY: Living Witness Subspace communications

Episode 105, Stardate 1308.27, "No boy bands on Enterprise!"

August 27, 2013 23:31 - 1 hour - 50.4 MB

We welcome back Alex The Star Trek Girl while Darrell is on vacation. You can find her at @thestartrekgirl or News Chappo loves Star Trek! The Enterprise that could have been Simon Pegg on Star Trek haters Ten Forward: Star Trek in pop culture: The Final Voyage of the Starship Enterprise Episode in...

Episode 104, Stardate 1308.20, "You have died of space dysentery"

August 20, 2013 20:36 - 1 hour - 38.7 MB

News: Star Trek Into Darkness out today on iTunes Gene’s Birthday 19th, Frakes, Muldaur DS9 turns 20 Ten Forward: Roddenberry’s Box A Set of rules about the 24th century that must never be violated. Basically, “the future is a paradise - there is no conflict, now go write drama.” Michael Piller: “it prevented writers from falling back on familiar storytelling devices and forced them to be original.” Michael Piller: “His demands seemed impossible at first glance. Even self-destruct...

Episode 103, Stardate 1308.13, "No warts on my baby"

August 13, 2013 20:21 - 1 hour - 35 MB

News Aug 6, Heidi and Rod Roddenberry welcomed Zale Eugene into the world (named for both their dads). Shatner announced for NYCC Ten Forward: Can Darrell categorize Star Trek fans? [listener tweeted: You need to love Star Trek, warts & all. I replied Star trek is my baby & I don’t want warts on my baby] Star Trek in pop culture: AMC’s Breaking Bad, S5, E9 2:39 Episode insight: TNG S7: Lower Decks Character insight: Gul Dukat Subspace communications 1000 questions

Episode 102, Stardate 1308.6, "Did you come in on a dinosaur?"

August 06, 2013 21:57 - 1 hour - 32.9 MB

Darrell is off this week, we have guest host Alex (@thestartrekgirl). Subscribe to her on YouTube at News August Ortiz Original Series Art Prints -Plato’s Stepchildren -Journey to Babel -Return of the Archons -The Mark of Gideon Michael Ansara (Kang) has passed Let’s not forget he...

Episode 101, Stardate 1307.30, "101 Darrellmations"

July 30, 2013 20:49 - 1 hour - 33.1 MB

News On Wednesday (July 31), Space Center Houston — the visitor's center for NASA's Johnson Space Center in Texas — will unveil the new permanent display for the Shuttlecraft Galileo. TNG S4 Blu-Ray out today! 66% off TNG Blu-Ray movies on Amazon Ten Forward: Sonic showers once worked on only sound. Now they involve water. Star Trek in pop culture: Daddy Day Care (2003), Eddie Murphy, Jeff Garlin, Steve Zahn. Two men get laid off and have to become stay-at-home dads when they can't...

Episode 100, Stardate 1307.23, "I will not act like a horse"

July 23, 2013 20:45 - 1 hour - 41.9 MB

News Star Trek: The Original Series “Origins” Blu-ray information Flip For The USS Enterprise Spatula New Star Trek Costumes 2014 Hallmark Trek Ornaments Sneak Peek Episode insight: TNG S3: Best of Both Worlds 2 Character Insight - The Borg Cube Subspace Communications 1000 questions

Episode 99, Stardate 1307.16, "Beefmaster Q"

July 16, 2013 20:46 - 1 hour - 41.1 MB

News Galileo Lands at Space Center Houston on July 31st STID release date - Aug. 20 digital, Sept. 10 physical. WHAT? Star Trek Hotel Room in Brazil, $700 a night. Limited time. Scott Fletcher sings the Enterprise Theme Song STAR TREK 3 to Shoot Next Year with J.J. Abrams Directing? Ten Forward: What’s ...

Episode 98, Stardate 1307.9, "Scott and Kirk, when the script fell"

July 09, 2013 20:28 - 1 hour - 39.6 MB

News ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ To Make Cable TV Debut in 2015 on FX. CBS & Netflix extend multi-year deal which includes all Trek series. TNG S5 Blu-Ray trailer is out. 39th annual Saturn Awards: TNG Blu Ray won for best TV Series (S1 & 2) Scott Fletcher sings the Enterprise Theme Song Ten Forward: Do youngins know as much about Trek as we old people do? Star Trek...

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