
More extra crappy merchandise

“Redshirts” is getting its own TV series. Very good for Trek if it does well because if a parody makes money, a new Trek certainly would.

Star Trek Continues Episode 2 is out.

Darrell: It’s like it’s 1970, the original actors were all fired, and replaced with excellent substitutes I have no problem with any of them except a bit with Spock, but at least his hair is right this time.

Ten Forward:

Chris on Twitter: What do u think the appropriate age for a child should be before they start watching Trek?

Chris on Twitter: Using any Trek character, what is your all star crew? Captain, First Officer, Doctor, helmsman, etc.

Shaun Austin on Twitter: Why are the people always eating on ST:Enterprise?

Star Trek in pop culture:

The Running Man, 1987, A wrongly convicted man must try to survive a public execution gauntlet staged as a game show. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

[clip] 00:18

Episode insight: DS9 S5: The Darkness & the Light

Character Insight - Barclay

Subspace communications

Ken P.