This Week's Stories:

Coronavirus: Harvard kicks all students out of dorms with less than a week's notice Coronavirus: cancellations - E3 and NAB canceled, SXSW may go bankrupt, NBA and NHL will play to empty colosseums Coronavirus: reactions - is paranoia the wrong answer? Coronavirus: is it even possible for most people to telecommute? Coronavirus: White House goes to Big Tech to ask for help to fight Coronavirus and stop misinformation Coronavirus: YouTube demonetizes all content mentioning Coronavirus Coronavirus: Australian newspaper prints blank pages to use as toilet paper Is it time to stop buying Android phones?Pixel 4a leak: starting at $399 Android vs iPhone - security, environmental impact Pixel 3a, Pixel 4a: Google makes some darn fine cheap phones Anthony Levandowski ordered to pay $179 million to Google, declares bankruptcy Tulsi Gabbard's $50M suit against Google dismissed Swedes fine Google 7M Euros. Google plans to appeal and search couch cushions for change. Spain is fine with Google. Facebook adds two women to its board; now 40% female, 30% black Sweden passes law to spy on anyone anywhere Locate X: where cops go to buy your location data without a warrant The EARN IT Act will kill internet encryption. IT MUST BE DEFEATED. Leo's giant ham New Chromecast with Android TV coming soon! Olallieberry, marionberry, blackberry, and other great pies Adam Mosseri: Facebook "serves as an s***-umbrella" for Instagram Amazon sells its "just walk out" tech to airport vendor OTG Amazon Music's "My Soundtrack" station is terrifyingly accurate Verizon launches Yahoo! Mobile MVNO. DO NOT BUY!

Picks of the Week:

Leo's Tool: Thermomix Ant's Good Stuff: My OTHER Uncle Mac Stacey's Thing: Nodle Cash Jeff's Numbers 1: Nielsen Investigation: "Pandemic Pantries" pressure supply chain amid COVID-19 Fears Jeff's Numbers 2: Hamsterkauf Hoarding Numbers Coronavirus Tool: Is It Canceled Yet?

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, and Ant Pruitt

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