This Week's Stories

Coronavirus: Should SXSW be canceled? Should Seattle be quarantined? Coronavirus: Don't touch your face. Don't shake hands. Don't lick your ballot envelope. King County Official Coronavirus Guidance Recommendations Stadia is failing because Google is Google Fishal recognition: Google Tidal is a new moonshot tracking fish migration patterns Google re-invests in Waymo Android One is in shambles Pixel Drop March update: new gestures, emoji, AR effects, and more Twitter under siege: activist investor wants Jack Dorsey out Twitter is testing "Fleets," their own version of Instagram Stories Libra is dying off Daily Caller added to Facebook fact-checking Verge poll finds that Techlash is a Myth Update: South Carolina weatherperson uses Facebook Live filters, apologize

Picks of the Week

Jason's Tool: You can now jailbreak an iPhone with an Android phone Ant's Good Stuff 1: Record Box Loft Helping Local Photographers Ant's Good Stuff 2: Jason Miller's shoot (@jasonmiller1981 on Twitter) Stacey's Thing: Helium Router Jeff's Numbers 1: Amazon removes 1m products for virus gouging, lying Jeff's Numbers 2: Where to buy Amazon and Walmart returns in bulk Jeff's German Word of the Week: Der Hamsterkauf: from the verb hamstern, which means "to hoard or panic buy," since hamsters are known for filling their cheeks with food. It's used to describe the panic buying or hoarding that occurs during times of widespread fear or concern.

Hosts: Jeff Jarvis, Stacey Higginbotham, Ant Pruitt, and Jason Howell

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