Today's Stories:

Jeff Jarvis' list of who to follow on Twitter for expert advice on coronavirus Zeynep Tufekci on masks - they are not perfect, but they help. Google under coronavirus: pausing chrome updates, security issues Musk defiant: Tesla factory stays open despite shelter-in-place orders Charter makes workers come in Coronavirus patent trolls vs open-source medical supplies NBCUniversal offers streaming first-run movies - from movies to diapers to toilet paper, direct-to-consumer industries are thriving Amazon hiring 100,000 workers, increasing pay, as all other industries collapse Facebook, Reddit, Google, Twitter, YouTube fight coronavirus misinformation The EARN-IT Act will kill encryption and Section 230 Jeff Jarvis fixes Facebook's coronavirus spam filter Reporters Without Borders create the Uncensored Library in Minecraft Pixar founders win $1 million Turing prize

Picks of the Week:

Jeff's Number: Virtual Choir x 3 Stacey's Thing 1: Teach your kid scienceStacey's Thing 2: Sourdough: A Novel at Karsten's Quarantine Tip: Stuck at home? Take Harvard's FREE Intro to Computer Science course! Leo's Tool: Around Next-gen video calling

Hosts: Leo Laporte, Jeff Jarvis, and Stacey Higginbotham

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