This week the boys are joined with Clive De Carle, consultant and pioneer for the new, alternative health movement.

After a taking a doctor prescribed course of antibiotics with dire consequences, Clive was awoken to the sham that is modern medicine... introduced by the Rockerfeller family..

“With nutrient deficient food, toxic chemicals sprayed in our atmosphere, a tainted water supply, and the mainstream medical establishment flooding our system with prescription drugs- the quest for a symbiotic relationship between us and our environment seems more daunting as the days pass. Surviving in a system aimed at keeping us weak, malnourished, and insufficiently fueled, requires a commitment to our health and environment that has been lost throughout the last 100 years of industrialization. As companies like Monsanto and DuPont continue destroy our food supply and leave our oceans polluted, we slave away at our jobs, only to return home and fill ourselves with poisonous provisions

Fortunately, today's guest, Clive de Carle, joins The Higherside to help us better understand the ways we can escape our incredibly flawed system. As he puts it, "A patient healed is a customer lost", and today's show aims to flip the script on the mainstream medical system and re-instate our individual dominion over our health and well-being” From Clive’s appearance on The HigherSide Chats.. we cant put it any better than that!

You can find Clive here:
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