It’s episode 36 of This Strange Life podcast and today the boys from Bangkok are joined by Jake Passi — founder of Collective Consciousness, & jet setting digital nomad based in Chiang Mai. We got Jake on the line to discuss a very hot-button topic -- social media censorship.

Right wing & conspiracy publications such as Alex Jones’ Info Wars have been effected, but have left-leaning and progressive groups been dealing with it too? Apparently, yes! Passi’s Collective Conscious group — which attracted more than 900k followers — was banned by Green Lizard Mark Zuckerburg and co. at Facebook in June. We dig into the details of how and why it happened and if this might be a slippery slope & how this might move alternative media on to uncensorable, decentralized platforms. Is blockchain an answer for freedom of speed online?

We then go on to discuss Jake’s religious experience and what it was like leaving it behind for good. Was there social pressure? How does he reflect on it.

Other topics we touch on: Digital nomad life (shout out Riley Bennet, Livin’ That Life), near sea experiences, & Y2k.

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