In this episode, my good friend Brittanie takes us from breakfast to bedtime with three kids. She truly shows us the day in the life of motherhood.

Brittanie Smith is a stay at home more of three beautiful children. She has an almost 5 year old, an almost 3 year old (both have August birthdays..wish her luck she says!) and a 2 month old. She has a Bachelors Degree from Brigham Young University in Communication Disorders. Before her life as a mom, she worked as the Assistant to the Director of an Autism program which she helped start. She has four years of experience teaching children with Autism and working with their parents. She loves gardening, learning about plants, watching shows (don’t we all), and going on dates with her husband. Her favorite thing about being a mom is morning family snuggles and the funny things that kids say.

Some highlights from Brittanie's interview:

In order to feel accomplished everyday, she tries to reach 3 out of 5 things that make her feel successful everyday. She challenges you to think of what your 5 successes may be. (small wins matter as a mom!) Brittanie says, "It’s easy to overlook the wonderful parts of motherhood if we focus on the chaos of the rest of the day" Another takeaway from the episode was, "You are not alone. Don’t compare yourself to previous you, future you or others."

If you are interested in keeping up to date with the podcast, please follow me on Instagram @hailimurch