In this episode I had the privilege to interview my client and friend, Julie Ciardi. Julie is a life and business coach who helps mamas remember that they are more than a mommy. She left a corporate vice president of marketing job of 16 years leading over 200 people, to start not just 1, but 2 businesses and a network marketing business. She caught the entrepreneurship  bug and has never been happier! She is married and the mother to 3 children.

Here are a couple highlights in this interview with Julie:

Julie says, "You can’t be there for your kids the way they need you if you don’t take care of yourself" Julie comments that if you are a young mom start making time for yourself now. Make it a habit. Being more than mommy can be an example to your kids. "You have permission to be more than mommy" Kids will one day grow up and leave the nest. Be sure to have things outside of being a mom so when they leave you are still YOU.

If you want to know more about Julie you can follow her on Instagram:



Podcast: More than Mommy (new episodes every Thursday!)

If you want to start a business or side hustle and don't know where to begin, book a discovery call with Julie! You can email her at [email protected]