Musician Michael Fitzpatrick calls out for compassion and world peace with his cello. He shares his music and discusses the power of good vibrations with Rabbi Irwin Kula. Bodies on the Line was a 9-day colloquium at New York University, bringing together 9 artists and writers from across genres and around the world to share […]

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Musician Michael Fitzpatrick calls out for compassion and world peace with his cello. He shares his music and discusses the power of good vibrations with Rabbi Irwin Kula.

Bodies on the Line was a 9-day colloquium at New York University, bringing together 9 artists and writers from across genres and around the world to share work, ideas and process. The subject was borders. There are the real borders, such as the ones that are the focus in debates about immigration policy in this country and around the world. There are also political and ideological borders that divide us. On the one hand, borders limit us, and make us vulnerable. On the other hand we want to look at the possibilities and opportunities at border lines.

Bodies on the Line considered the border as a point of energy and creativity in different regions and spheres of life. The goal of the colloquium was to create new artistic partnerships, to inspire future projects, and to use artistic practice as a way of investigating new and historical ideas. Artists together to discuss, in their own unique ways, and with their own unique creative resources, some of the world’s most pressing problems.

Recorded Saturday, November 6, 2010 at Union Theological Seminary. Total runtime: 99 minutes.

The post Bodies on the Line: Michael Fitzpatrick and Rabbi Irwin Kula appeared first on THIRTEEN Forum.