I started to feel this porous sensitivity to the collective shadow, festering trauma wound that was being carried around. I set myself boundaries years ago and therefore have been able to keep these energies at bay, but since it is now on the collective level, it is amplified. I know I am not the only one to experience this.

I was feeling overwhelmed with emotions, despair and hopelessness, and I then realized that it was not on the personal level, but on the collective level.  I decided to talk about this in a solo to make people aware that they too may be feeling emotions on an empathic collective level and how to recognize it and to give people tools to navigate through this.

Find details on the Lightcodes Membership here

You can find the details for my Rokfin here!

You can find the details for the Akashic Reading waitlist here

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair 

Or join my free FB group Soul Space

You can find all the details on my programs, courses and ways to work with me on my website here