I am so excited to share this incredibly empowering conversation with Christina Luna!

Christina is an astrologer and she channels a deep understanding the magical codes of this lifetime. Every lifetime has its own personality traits, unique life experiences which revels their way of viewing divinity, which is being present with life. Christina explains that the planets act like characters in a play and we all have these character within us, they are part of our psyche. Our personalities are made up of all of them, like the moon emotional body, strong masculine principal, famine receptive, for example.

We talked about how we draw on all the archetypes of the zodiac at different times, how all planets have different energies and how they all play a part in different zodiac signs. Knowing your own astrology chart and the impact the planets have on us at different times, is an optimal way of moving with natural energy. However, even when we are not paying attention to these cycles, our bodies and nature are all aligned, and giving ourselves permission to listen to our bodies verses dis-empowerment and allows us to navigate our experiences with a choice.

If you want to learn more about astrology, how it affects us and it’s part in this human lifetime, how to navigate astrological energies, particularly in your own unique astrology chart on a daily basis, then I cannot recommend Christina enough!

If you want to learn more about Christina’s program beginning 23rd August, click the link here

Connect with Christina on Instagram @lunation.live

You can find the details for my Rokfin here!

You can find the details for the Akashic Reading waitlist here

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair 

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You can find all the details on my programs, courses and ways to work with me on my website here