At the age of 10, when his parents separated, Dustin questioned how God, as a loving figure, could cause so my heartache and pain. Many years later he realized that God is in fact an energy force, and that trauma and love come hand in hand.

We discussed how sometimes our physical reality can make us doubt our spirituality, how we are programmed, conditioned and guided to believe only in the physical realm, we need to experience pain, trauma, grief to experience love. When you awaken your spirituality and find your spiritual path, you have to practice it, otherwise you will not be in the energy force that allows you to gain the true gift that you have been searching for.

We also spoke about how we create our reality with our thoughts, alternative reality viewpoint, astral projection, Christ consciousness, the magic of synchronicities, de-programme from the labels we have been given and allowing and encouraging our children to feel their own magic.

You can find the details for my Rokfin here!

You can find the details for the Akashic Reading waitlist here

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And on FB @ Amy Belair 

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