Kevin found meditation in his mid 20’s as a last resort to get out of the dark places he had found himself in for many years. Since then, it has been a daily practice as it helps him have a relationship with himself and build his confidence. He now helps individuals and business teams to do the same and directs them how to spend their life force energy and their time in ways that are fulfilling to them.

We discussed our programming and conditioning, how we are only taught that there are only 5 senses, the limitations of the 5 senses, the different frequencies and wavelengths of other dimensions, learning to respond instead of react, the power of self-love, compassion, gratitude journaling and how collective consciousness is changing the ego driven society we live in.

Kevin also shared how the session we recently had, helped him have a new context for understanding himself. We also discussed star seeds, our higher selves, guides, synchronicities, cohesiveness of the collective and how people reach out when the time in right for them.

You can find Kevin on IG @boss_consulting_llc

Or on Facebook @bosslcconsulting

You can find the details for my Rokfin here!

You can find the details for the Akashic Reading waitlist here

Find me on IG @amy.thenorthstar

And on FB @ Amy Belair 

Or join my free FB group Soul Space

You can find all the details on my programs, courses and ways to work with me on my website here