“Persistency of purpose is the secret to success," but please remember that persistency of purpose involves setting the right priorities and sticking with them. Whatever is necessary in reaching one’s goals must become a part of the goal itself.

There are lots of inconsistencies in our society. A couple gets married and the first thing they want is an apartment or a home. Then they buy a car so that won’t have to stay home anymore than necessary. How to lose weight and where to park our cars are big problems, but hardly anyone wants to leave their car at home and walk. There was a time when people wanted to be millionaires, now they just want to live like one.

Jesus advised us that setting our priorities on the right thing would bring a better life (Matt. 6:33). Paul achieved an abundant life by keeping his priorities on track (Phil. 3:13-14). The secret is out! Set your priorities according to God’s word and you can have the “abundant life” through Christ.

Paul Graham