Previous Episode: Stick With It!

There is an ancient story of a man who in his dreams was haunted by a veiled figure who always took from him every good thing he desired. If he dreamed of gaining a fortune, the figure took it away. If he dreamed of peace and joy, the figure took it away. If He dreamed of fame, the veiled figure ruined his reputation. When he dreamed of his wedding day, the veiled figure appeared and shouted, "I forbid this marriage."

Finally the haunted man grabbed the veil and ripped it from the face of his adversary. To his utter shock, the face he saw was his own!

This legend sets forth the truth that man is his own enemy. Men make or mar their own future. See how Adam tried to hold Eve accountable, and Eve tried to hold the serpent accountable, but God held each one of them accountable.

Pharaoh murdered the male children of the Hebrews, but in due time the angel of death stretched its wings and flew across Pharaoh's kingdom, bringing death to the first born of every Egyptian home. Pharaoh had no one to blame but himself.

There is a law of retribution at work in the universe. It neither fears nor favors any Nation or individual. In due time it will collect from you what you owe. "Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall be also reap."

Pay day will come some day unless men repent and come to terms with God. "Today is the day of salvation." "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

Paul Graham