Dr. David Merrill is a psychiatrist who specializes in older adults. He has a PhD in the neurobiology of aging, and he directs PNI’s Brain Health Center. His colleague Dr. Karen Miller, has a PhD in geropsychology–the psychology of older people. She is the senior director of PNI’s Brain Wellness and Lifestyle Program. Molly Rapozo is a registered dietician nutritionist. They work as a trio to help older people stave off the ravages of dementia through diet, exercise, and cognitive training.

Their work is crucial because, despite some recent, modest advances on a drug to treat Alzheimer’s, there just isn’t a pill that can keep our brains in tip-top shape as we age. What we have are some behaviors that are proven to protect the brain from premature dysfunction. Listen to this podcast to learn what our all-star team knows about the best strategies.