Those who deal with gut issues, health issues, and certain diseases might be missing something when it comes to their health. For years the food industry has told us to eat wheat and grains, but that has been making people sicker. Dr. William Davis, the author of Wheat Belly, joins the show to talk about how certain strains of wheat are wreaking havoc on our health. Dr. Davis then dives into his newer method of healing the gut and restoring balance back to the system. He uses certain strains of bacteria to build back a strong gut microbiome, with using the strand he has also seen improvement in other areas, from skin quality improvement to increasing muscle mass.

-We talk about his book Wheat Belly and how he came to treat disease differently than other doctors and found that wheat and wheat germ agglutinin. Which is a non-gluten glycoprotein or lectin (combination of sugar and protein) in wheat called wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) found in highest concentrations in whole wheat increases whole body inflammation.

-We then discuss how to heal the gut from a prospective of homemade yogurt with certain strains of bacteria that help heal the microbiomee


Visit to learn more about Dr. William Davis and his work.



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