Looking at the calendar, there are only 6 weeks until the holidays are here!  That means (for most of the us) you have 3 paychecks to get ready.  Here's a suggestion on how to prioritize, shop, and get ready so you can enjoy the holiday cheer!

 Make your 2 lists.  (The first list will be split down the middle):

Column A:  Names of those you absolutely MUST buy a gift for
Column B:  Those who it would be really nice to give to.
List 2:  Realistically, write the amount of money from each separate paycheck between now & the holidays you can spend on gifts.

Understand the consequences:

You can buy it all on credit cards, but you'll have to pay interest.  This could really set you back for your 2016 goals.
Shopping & delivery:  How valuable is your time?
Handmade goods, baked goodies are fun to make:  How much time do you really have?
Shopping online:  Consider paying a couple bucks to pay for wrapping, instead of spending days wrapping all the gifts.
Delivery time:  Are the gifts going to the neighbor's house or across town?

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Think Enriched Virtual Tip Jar

You've heard of the Think Enriched Crew, but are you in yet?

You can win 1 of 3 copies to be given away of StrengthsFinder 2.0">Gallup Strengths Finder 2.0.

Give the show a RATING & REVIEW.
That's it!  You are now entered to win 1 of 3 copies being given away (just in time for the holidays.)

Don't forget to join me & Steve Stewart on BLAB next week:

BLAB Session: November 18, 7pm, Pacific

Subscribe in iTunes.  Or Stitcher Radio.

Rate & Review the show.


Looking at the calendar, there are only 6 weeks until the holidays are here!  That means (for most of the us) you have 3 paychecks to get ready.  Here's a suggestion on how to prioritize, shop, and get ready so you can enjoy the holiday cheer!

 Make your 2 lists.  (The first list will be split down the middle):

Column A:  Names of those you absolutely MUST buy a gift for
Column B:  Those who it would be really nice to give to.
List 2:  Realistically, write the amount of money from each separate paycheck between now & the holidays you can spend on gifts.

Understand the consequences:

You can buy it all on credit cards, but you'll have to pay interest.  This could really set you back for your 2016 goals.
Shopping & delivery:  How valuable is your time?
Handmade goods, baked goodies are fun to make:  How much time do you really have?
Shopping online:  Consider paying a couple bucks to pay for wrapping, instead of spending days wrapping all the gifts.
Delivery time:  Are the gifts going to the neighbor's house or across town?

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Think Enriched Virtual Tip Jar

You've heard of the Think Enriched Crew, but are you in yet?

You can win 1 of 3 copies to be given away of Gallup Strengths Finder 2.0.

Give the show a RATING & REVIEW.
That's it!  You are now entered to win 1 of 3 copies being given away (just in time for the holidays.)

Don't forget to join me & Steve Stewart on BLAB next week:

BLAB Session: November 18, 7pm, Pacific

Subscribe in iTunes.  Or Stitcher Radio.

Rate & Review the show.