Dave Lee, from Waves of Tech, is usually talking tech and what's happening in the industry, but have you heard his money story?  Wowza.  

This guy gets it.  

 We talk about:

Waves of Tech, part of Modern Life Podcast Network
Dave & Steve's integrity really shines through!  We talk about their public discussion of the award show that was in poor taste.
You control your own identity & reputation.  Make sure you are choosing wisely and are sending out the message that you want to be known.
His credit card debt was up to $14,000.
He studies personal finance continuously, why?  To keep himself honest.
"I'm just fed up with not having the money that I earn in my bank account."
How he did the envelope system:  Every Monday he
"It's called personal finance for a reason!"
Ask yourself these 3 questions on every payment you make:

Can I live with this payment?
Can I live without this item?
Can I make the payment lower?

He went to the local credit union every week:  He paid off the payments in cash to see the cash be paid off.
"I'm a pretty quiet person.  But to be successful in this, I had to talk about this to everybody."
People all around him in the workplace got involved helping him get out of debt.  They 
Someone told him, "You spend lots of time on money."  His response, "Yup.  If I spend my time & effort on a weekly basis on money, that's time well spent."
"Don't cheat yourself.  Treat yourself."
"It's a good feeling to wake and know, I don't have any debt."
Compare items on an hourly rate.  Is it worth it to work an extra 6 weeks of the year for this item?
How he walked his younger sister through this process.
Having the first conversation is the toughest.
Listing it out is the most crucial. Do you have an accountability partner?
People learn about personal finance in different ways.  The key is to find what works for you.  I made it as tangible as possible.
Talking about money in his relationship.
"90% of finances is your mindset."  Changing behavior & perspective on what financial freedom means.
You can always talk yourself into something, just like you can talk yourself out of something. 
His plan is set to retire in 20 years
International Podcast Day: started in 2014, trending on Twitter 
This year, Sept 30th, had 30+ hours of video streaming in 11 different hours
"The power of podcasting," is making a difference in the lives of others

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Think Enriched Virtual Tip Jar
Dave Lee
Steve Lee
Waves of Tech
Modern Life Podcast Network
Steve Stewart 
Episode: Money & Marriage in our Home
International Podcast Day
IntlPodcastDay on Twitter

You've heard of the Think Enriched Crew, but are you in yet?

You can win 1 of 3 copies to be given away of StrengthsFinder 2.0">Gallup Strengths Finder 2.0.

Give the show a RATING & REVIEW.
That's it!  You are now entered to win 1 of 3 copies being given away (just in time for the holidays.)

Don't forget to join me & Steve Stewart on BLAB next week:

BLAB Session: November 18, 7pm, Pacific

Subscribe in iTunes.  Or Stitcher Radio.

Rate & Review the show.


Dave Lee, from Waves of Tech, is usually talking tech and what's happening in the industry, but have you heard his money story?  Wowza.  

This guy gets it.  

 We talk about:

Waves of Tech, part of Modern Life Podcast Network
Dave & Steve's integrity really shines through!  We talk about their public discussion of the award show that was in poor taste.
You control your own identity & reputation.  Make sure you are choosing wisely and are sending out the message that you want to be known.
His credit card debt was up to $14,000.
He studies personal finance continuously, why?  To keep himself honest.
"I'm just fed up with not having the money that I earn in my bank account."
How he did the envelope system:  Every Monday he
"It's called personal finance for a reason!"
Ask yourself these 3 questions on every payment you make:

Can I live with this payment?
Can I live without this item?
Can I make the payment lower?

He went to the local credit union every week:  He paid off the payments in cash to see the cash be paid off.
"I'm a pretty quiet person.  But to be successful in this, I had to talk about this to everybody."
People all around him in the workplace got involved helping him get out of debt.  They 
Someone told him, "You spend lots of time on money."  His response, "Yup.  If I spend my time & effort on a weekly basis on money, that's time well spent."
"Don't cheat yourself.  Treat yourself."
"It's a good feeling to wake and know, I don't have any debt."
Compare items on an hourly rate.  Is it worth it to work an extra 6 weeks of the year for this item?
How he walked his younger sister through this process.
Having the first conversation is the toughest.
Listing it out is the most crucial. Do you have an accountability partner?
People learn about personal finance in different ways.  The key is to find what works for you.  I made it as tangible as possible.
Talking about money in his relationship.
"90% of finances is your mindset."  Changing behavior & perspective on what financial freedom means.
You can always talk yourself into something, just like you can talk yourself out of something. 
His plan is set to retire in 20 years
International Podcast Day: started in 2014, trending on Twitter 
This year, Sept 30th, had 30+ hours of video streaming in 11 different hours
"The power of podcasting," is making a difference in the lives of others

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Think Enriched Virtual Tip Jar
Dave Lee
Steve Lee
Waves of Tech
Modern Life Podcast Network
Steve Stewart 
Episode: Money & Marriage in our Home
International Podcast Day
IntlPodcastDay on Twitter

You've heard of the Think Enriched Crew, but are you in yet?

You can win 1 of 3 copies to be given away of Gallup Strengths Finder 2.0.

Give the show a RATING & REVIEW.
That's it!  You are now entered to win 1 of 3 copies being given away (just in time for the holidays.)

Don't forget to join me & Steve Stewart on BLAB next week:

BLAB Session: November 18, 7pm, Pacific

Subscribe in iTunes.  Or Stitcher Radio.

Rate & Review the show.


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