Justin Stoddart  0:00  
Hey, welcome back to the Think Bigger Real Estate Show. I'm your host Justin Stoddart thrilled about the topic today. It's one that I'm passionate about. And I was so fortunate to be introduced to really an influencer in this space, somebody who helps with a personal brand, helping people find the greatness within them and share that with the world. So please help me welcome, Jennifer Powers. Jennifer is a master certified coach, top 3% of coaches worldwide. Pretty impressive. She's the best selling author of the book "Oh, Shift". In addition to that, she has actually been a keynote over 250,000 people. So needless to say, I feel humbled to have a big thinker. How appropriate for this show a big thinker isn't today to help us solve the problem of how do we help unlock people's potential and help the world know about these people so that they can make the impact that they're supposed to make? So Jennifer, thank you for coming on the show today. It's such a privilege such an honor to have you.

Jennifer Powers  0:58  
I'm giddy, I'm giddy be here, thanks.

Justin Stoddart  1:02  
We're gonna have a blast. I know that we've had conversations before. And I'm just thrilled that you agreed to come on the show today. And I'm thrilled that my audience, the think that your real estate audience gets a chance to know who you are, and getting some access to the resources. In fact, I'm going to ask a favor. At the end of this show, I know you have this best selling book, if there's even a part of it, that you could share maybe a digital portion that we could put in the Think Bigger Real Estate Group. So people can kind of get a taste for that. So can I put you on the spot and say, will you?

Jennifer Powers  1:34  
Whatever, you need Justin, you've got it,

Justin Stoddart  1:36  
you are the best. Okay, so here's something that I've noticed. And I'm really going to kind of present this as a challenge that all of us are facing in today's day and age. And then I want to really tap into your expertise to help us solve this. And the problem that I'm seeing is that because of information overload, because there are so many ways in which people are gaining information, that we are all happy to make split decision on the brands that we support the people the products, the services, we don't have a lot of time to evaluate. And so as a result, people who are not clear on their brand people who maybe aren't outspoken, and letting the world know who they are, are going to get passed up. Would you agree? 

Jennifer Powers  2:20  
Yeah, definitely. And I think it's becoming more and more so because the competition is becoming more and more. So it really is important to get really clear on that. Yeah.

Justin Stoddart  2:31  
So so I'm excited to kind of dig into that with you. But I think that there's a lot of people, again, my this audience is probably very heavily saturated real estate agents and mortgage loan officers. And at a time when their competition isn't just the real estate agent down the street, right, or the mortgage loan officer down the hall, like their competition, is now Wall Street and venture-backed tech companies that are spending massive amounts of dollars to not only create technology platforms that minimize what a real estate agent doesn't get paid. But they're also spending billions of dollars to change the consumer mindset, that maybe the traditional path of hiring a real estate agent isn't as important or isn't necessary like it once was. And for any of us that have been on the backside of a real estate transaction to see kind of below the tip of the iceberg. Everything that a real estate agent does and the value that the good ones really bring that thought is not well grounded, right. And so real estate agents have to more than ever be good at speaking up and sharing who they are. In fact, I was teaching a video class yesterday. And one of the big challenges that that agents are facing is the courage to speak up. And I know you absolutely specialize in helping people step into that role. So So please take the mic for me and teach us what you do what you teach people what your book teaches people, how would you help us solve this problem?

Jennifer Powers  4:01  
So here's the thing, I want to start by saying, yes, that is an incredible problem that is facing, I think, more than just the real estate, mortgage agents. But overall, there is a move toward, or I should say, away from the human interaction toward something that's their main storyline. But here's the thing. And we got to remember these humans, no matter how much AI can take over humans are always going to be humans and humans have a very special need. And that is a connection. So I think in order to stand out among all of those, we need to use what we bring each individual as humans. And that is the power, the richness, the intimacy, the service, the person ability of connection. And I know that sounds like so doll, right? But now more than ever, you're no longer competing with just someone else, you can also now you're competing with something that's going to just streamline the whole process and kick you out, right? So I think we all need to tap into that unique aspect of ourselves that people connect with. So maybe you need to take a poll and ask people that you know, or that know, love and trust you. What is it about me that makes it easy to connect with me, some people it might be a smile, some people might be their conversation skills, some people it might be that they always have a compliment, or, you know, positive words to say, some people might just be like, you are so intelligent and educated on your experience that just draws me in. So like find that one unique element that you bring and then exploit it, exploit it, exploit it. And I think that's where a lot of folks are missing Justin is they're trying to do all things and be all things all people and they're getting lost in the noise, right that everyone else is trying to do all things that all people are expecting. So I think we need to sort of rising to the occasion to bring our, the greatest asset of ourselves to the table fearlessly. without apology. You know what I mean, by that?

Justin Stoddart  6:16  
How do you when somebody is searching for that? And I think probably most of us know the things that bring us energy, right? They know the things where it's like, man, if I could do that all day, like number one, my energy level goes up. And number two, like I light up other people like I'm really good at that. And maybe it's the paperwork side of the business. Maybe it's speaking maybe it's, it's been an in, you know, negotiations? Is there some other way that you found people to really identify what is their sweet spot?

Jennifer Powers  6:45  
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's easy. You have to stop doing the things that you don't like doing and that you're not good at it's simple. spend the majority of your energy on the things that you excel at and enjoy joy, right? That doesn't necessarily mean the things you have experience? Because just because you have experienced something doesn't mean you should be doing it right. Do you like it? Because that's when you're going to shine. You know, that's when you are in your brightest, greatest state of being is when you're doing things that you are really enjoying. And I don't mean just the job. I mean, the things that you're more the way your marketing like so for example, people have said to me for years old, Jen, you should really do a blog, you should you know, you should write a blog. I'm like, you know what, I don't want to write a blog. I hate right here. What

you should be on Facebook is you know what, I don't like Facebook, no offense, Facebook, we'r...