Justin Stoddart
Welcome back to The Think Bigger Real Estate Show. Today we're talking about momentum. How do you get into momentum? How do you maintain momentum and trust me, momentum is everything when you're trying to succeed at high levels. Today's guest is going to tell us all about that. We'll be right back with a full introduction to her.

Justin Stoddart
Today's guest, Jenny Wolek, she's out of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Ladies and gentlemen, this gal brings the energy. She's a leader, she's leading other leaders. She's someone who is an expert really on this topic of helping people maintain momentum. But before we can maintain momentum, we have to get into momentum. Jenny Wallach, thank you for being here today and helping us get into this amazing topic that everybody needs to hear right now.

Jennie Wolek
Oh, my gosh, thank you so much, Justin, I am so honored to spend time with you. I always love our time together. And I know others do as well. You know this is such an interesting topic. It's such a great word I actually named this new membership group that I've created, maintain your momentum because it's so important. We can talk about it. And yet, sometimes it's hard to get going in it. And really, it just starts with baby steps and getting into action and getting into action on the right things about that.

Justin Stoddart
You know, I love it. It's a great premise for the show. I want to tell a story. You've heard this story before. I had a basketball coach right now it's like for those that are watching it live right in the middle of March Madness, right. We're seeing some teams succeed go on and defy all odds. Other teams, we're seeing the struggle, my head basketball coach who was actually voted at one point to be the top high school basketball coach in the country. So this guy's really good. He would always tell us he would say, we have to get big mo on our team. He said if you can get big mo on your team, we win. And Big Mo was momentum. He knew that it was like having another player off the bench. When you start to get the crowd into it, you start to get your own belief into it, your own energy into it and all of a sudden, like things, get a lot easier. It's like the court all of a suddenly tipped downhill. And the other team is struggling.

Justin Stoddart
And so I love this topic of momentum. Because the real estate industry can be a tough one. Right? You can really have. This seems like a lot of stuff is trying to stop your momentum. Right. I know we're in a tight market right now. I don't know exactly what Tulsa looks like. I know Portland's pretty tight, right. Talk to us a little bit about how you're teaching people in a tight market how to get momentum, you said it's doing the right things, doing them consistently, maybe even not even expecting to see the exact result right away, like what else should people be trying to do in order to get big mo on their team?

Jennie Wolek
Oh, my gosh, you know, as you were just talking through that story, it reminded me of so many great examples that I've seen in my life. I've been in this business for 20 years, Justin plenty. And I don't know if you saw the news report yesterday that there are more real estate agents than there are active listings on the market in the United States. And so that's a topic that real estate's freakout real estate agents freak out about, they're like, Oh, oh, my gosh, so much competition with the other agents. And I'm so old and have done this business for so long that I just know, I need to focus on what is most important for me, my team, my community, and stay on purpose and can't get distracted by others around me.

Jennie Wolek
But first real estate agents, I think, make a big mistake of getting into this business. And they don't know why they're in this business. They don't have a purpose or a mission or a plan for their lives, let alone their business. And so momentum can be picked up over time by doing the right activities. The number one job description of a real estate agent, whether you like it or not, is lead generating. And that means talking to people connecting with people. And if you're not doing that every day, then you might as well quit, because that is your job. And so you have to get into action.

Jennie Wolek
Now today's conversations may not lead to a piece of business tomorrow. And yet it can build a relationship that produces future opportunities and connections and relationships for a real estate career. That's how over all these years, 20 years in the business I'm you know, grown a team that last year, we got to about 173 families and half of those come from our local database and 30% come from agent relationships. And all those relationships are based on consistency. And predictability comes whenever you stay consistent on what matters most. So we got to practice every day, you got to do what you're supposed to do. You got to have the skills to perform at the highest level. And you got to have systems and checklists to have a systematic approach to your business so that you don't forget when you get really busy and you get distracted by all the things going on in today's world, you got to follow your schedule. So there you go.

Justin Stoddart
So something that stood out to me that you said there. We love sound bites, right? As a society, it's like, let's go to the news. And let's see what the soundbite is. The reality is most sound bites aren't good, right? There are very few times you go and you're like, oh, my goodness, that's amazing, sometimes, depending upon the news source, but I would say, in general, the News's job is to inform us their business is to keep our eyeballs on their content. And the reality is that eyeballs stay on their content if there's something alarming. And so whether it be real estate news, whether it be national news, you identify this component of the fast way to get out of momentum and stay out of momentum is to constantly be watching the news bites, because you think, okay, there's fewer listings, than there are agents, oh, my goodness, the sky is falling. That means every potential listing that I have in my Hopper, I've got how many other agents competing, like you just start to bring all the world's problems into your lap, and you're like, please, problems hang out right here inside my brain, right? And I think you can't like so much of this is mindset. And of course, I'm a mindset guy, right?

Think Bigger Real Estate exists for a reason is that most of the problems that we face, begin in our heads. And I think having the ability to weed out the stuff that doesn't serve us, and actually being able to identify what is serving me. And I would just encourage everybody to take Jennie's advice there and be very careful about the things that you hear that were designed to keep your eyeballs on that right on those things are not designed to help you get into momentum. If you want momentum. Be very leery of consuming, internalize, and worrying about national news, right?

Jennie Wolek
Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm a, I'm also a mindset person. And I'm also a systems freak. I love systems. And I also know that we have to build them based on our goals, whether they're our personal goals or our professional goals. And I think a lot of agents are just willy nilly with their day like, well, let's see what happens.

Jennie Wolek
Well, you know, when you build a perfect calendar of the perfect life of a real estate agent, that should already be a time block, Justin, I know you get up early, I start my day at 445. I go, I go and the same time. I exercise, I think I plan, I prepare for my day, I am proactive, I am already prepared for anything that can come my way.

Jennie Wolek
And I take care of those most important things in the morning that are my busi...