What if your dental practice could triple its hygiene department within three years? This exciting episode offers practical strategies to take your practice from average to exceptional, featuring insights from our guest, Krisa Swanson. Krisa, a registered dental hygienist, consultant, and practitioner based in Atlanta, helps us understand how focusing on key performance indicators such as patient visits, profit percentage, SRP quads, and fluoride treatments per month can revolutionize your business.

We also delve into the Triple X approach to dental hygiene productivity, an extraordinary strategy that Krisa introduces us to. It involves defining your current baseline, setting team patient care goals, fostering accountability within your team, and continuously measuring your progress. But that's not all. We stress the importance of having a strong leader, and how regular meetings with your team can clarify the purpose and process of your hygiene department. Tune in for a wealth of actionable strategies that will help you boost your practice's productivity and nurture invaluable trust with your patients.

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