What does it really take to redesign your life and chase your dreams? How can we break free from societal expectations and pursue true happiness? In our latest episode, we had the pleasure of exploring these questions and more with Dr. Angela Mulrooney, a fearless dentist who pivoted her career path to become a successful entrepreneur and influencer. 

As we dive into Angela's captivating journey, we uncover how a single question from her boyfriend led her to transform her life completely, from living in a tropical paradise to building a thriving business while still owning two other flourishing companies. Discover how Angela overcame her fears and lost her ability to practice dentistry, taking the leap to create massive change and live into her potential, even when it meant going against the norm. 

We also discuss Angela's purpose-driven business, Unleashing Influence, which helps others unlock their potential by building powerful personal brands and leveraging LinkedIn for networking. Learn how her 90-day program guarantees a five times return on investment for clients, and gain insights into her journey from dentist to entrepreneur. Angela's story serves as an inspiring reminder that we can all redefine our lives and achieve our goals by staying committed to our passions and purpose.

Todays guest Dr Angela Mulrooney, The Arsonist- Empowering Executives To Burn Away the distractions and pivot to profitable Entrepreneurship in 90 Days can be found at

LinkedIn. com/in/AngelaMulrooney


  [email protected]


