Unlock the secrets of impeccable communication and customer service with the luminous Daniela Skeen, the Florida-based coach and educator lighting up the dental industry. Witness as we venture into the heart of dental practice dynamics, where Daniela illuminates the art of seamless systems and the importance of holding every team member accountable. From decoding the subtleties of nonverbal cues to mastering the finesse of conflict resolution, we delve into strategies that not only soothe billing disputes but also empower dental professionals to navigate patient interactions with confidence and grace.

Have you ever wondered what makes the customer service at 11 Madison Place so unforgettable? This episode draws inspiration from the realm of "Unreasonable Hospitality," exploring how the magic of genuine enthusiasm can transform your dental practice. As we analyze the elegance of both spoken and unspoken interactions, we reaffirm our commitment to the little things that matter—like smiles and personalized acknowledgments, especially during the hustle of peak hours. Daniela and I share a vision of patient care where every handshake and greeting sets the tone for a memorable visit.

As we round off our discussion, we lay bare the communication mishaps that could be costing your practice its most valuable asset—patient loyalty. Addressing the conundrums of part-time staffing and the dreaded missed calls, we emphasize the role each team member plays in a patient's journey. With anecdotes and case studies as our guides, we illustrate how investing in quality time with patients not only uplifts their experience but also secures the financial well-being of the practice. Join us for this enlightening episode and leave equipped to make every patient encounter count, ensuring they depart with more than just a healthy smile.

How to connect with Daniela:

[email protected]

cell  561.758.4904


