Discover the transformative journey of marketing for veneer and cosmetic dental procedures with my esteemed guest, marketing guru Ross Johnston from finePT. As we sit down together, we uncover how a personal touch and understanding of the deeper desires of patients play pivotal roles in the success of a dental practice. Dive into Ross’s strategies for attracting not just more patients, but the right kind of patients—those who value and can afford life-changing dental transformations. I share from my trove of experiences, discussing the fulfillment I've found in balancing my general practice while focusing on approximately ten veneer cases a month.

Ever wonder how to cultivate an environment where your patients can't help but say 'yes' to the future smiles you can provide? The secret lies in the art of building trust and creating connections that transcend the dental chair. We dissect the importance of engaging with patients on an emotional level, the significant role of active listening, and the need to ask the questions that draw out their unique stories. Ross and I explore why genuine relationships are the cornerstone of successful cosmetic dentistry, and how scripted interactions simply fail to harness the power of personal engagement.

Wrapping up, we navigate the practical aspects of running a flourishing cosmetic dentistry practice, including considerations for geographic location, market size, and utilizing advanced communication tools like the iTero scanner. Insights on setting realistic goals, whether you're situated in a bustling city or a small community, are shared, as well as the indispensability of partnerships with top-notch labs. Join us on Fearless Dentistry for an episode that's not merely about teeth but about the life-altering impacts of a confident smile and the strategic marketing that makes it all possible.

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