Can you imagine feeling so burned out just 10 years into your chosen profession that you start to question everything? That's exactly what happened to Dr. Laura Brenner. She paints a vivid picture of her struggles as a young dentist, navigating the intense transition from school to practice and wrestling with low energy and the difficulty of starting each day. But don't worry - there's light at the end of the tunnel. Dr. Brenner not only managed to pull herself out of this hole but is now helping others do the same.

This episode isn't just a tale of burnout and recovery, though. It's a candid exploration of the scarcity of research and statistics on the incidence of burnout among dentists, and a call to action for dental professionals to support each other through open discussions. We also tackle the tricky subject of compartmentalizing life and the difficulty of leaving work at work. But wait, there's more! Dr. Brenner shares insightful strategies for mastering effective communication, redefining success, and building supportive communities.

Get ready to be inspired as we trace Dr. Brenner's journey from a full-time dentist to exploring creativity and finding fulfillment both within and outside dentistry. Discover the steps she took to safely transition out of the profession, and how she now guides others to follow suit. If you've ever thought about working fewer days a week or leaving dentistry altogether, this episode might be just the push you need. And remember - it's not about running away from dentistry, it's about running towards a life that's richly fulfilling.

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