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Think, Believe and Manifest!

539 episodes - English - Latest episode: 7 days ago - ★★★★★ - 120 ratings

Creating the life of your dreams as we discuss living life authentically and purposefully. My desire is to help you to determine specifically what you desire and how to strategically begin the process
of creating that life. Every Sunday, I bring in the experts to assist you to Think, Believe and Manifest your life.

Mental Health Health & Fitness law of attraction deliberate creation conscious creation
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Constance Answers YOUR Questions

September 25, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Join Constance as she answers questions from listeners from all over the world. She will use her 25 years of counseling and coaching experience, as well as her knowledge of universal principles and spirituality to answer questions. You will be able to take the principles shared and use them in your own life.

Ken Foster, Soul N' Money

September 18, 2016 23:00 - 58 minutes - 53 MB

Ken Foster is a Best-Selling Author, International Speaker and Money Strategist. Ken will share valuable insight into How to Increase your Awareness, Energy, Receptivity and Cash Flowing into Your life. You will learn how to stop chasing money and actually have abundance. Additionally you will learn what stops people from having money and the greatest strategies for having wealth. Ken has free gifts that he will be sharing with all of the listeners.

Creating Your Reality With Words, Thoughts and Images

September 11, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.4 MB

Tune in as I share and give you specific methods and techniques to begin creating your own reality. I will share the science behind the subconscious mind and how to deliberately and intentionally create your reality. You will learn how your thoughts create vibrational patterns that attract like people, circumstances, resources and conditions. Also, you will learn how to use mental pictures and elevated emotions to create your future. You will hear specific examples of how 3 others used words,...

James Powers - Positive Self Talk and Less Worry

September 04, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54 MB

Join Constance and her Mentor, James Powers as he shares principles of how to change your 'Self Talk'. You will learn how to become an awareness thinker, how to determine your patterns of thinking, determining your dominant self talk, how your self talk becomes habits, behaviors and things and an understanding of how your self talk works in your brain. Additionally, you will learn about how to stop worrying and align your self talk with your dreams. James gives 7 steps to change from worry to...

Constance's Blueprint for Success

August 28, 2016 21:00 - 59 minutes - 53.8 MB

Join me and my Mentor of 25 years, James E. Powers, as he interviews me about my journey of Success. I will share universal principles that I have used to manifest the life of my dreams including 1. How my childhood impacted and designed my success, 2. How I identified and changed limiting beliefs, 3. Principles that I utilized to overcome some of the most difficult times in my life and 4. the role of God and Spirituality in creating the life of my dreams.

Constance Answers Callers Questions!

August 21, 2016 23:00 - 59 minutes - 53.5 MB

Listen in and gain 25 years of wisdom, knowledge and spiritual insight as Constance answers questions from call-in listeners giving them strategies, enlightenment and “how to’s” to create permanent change in their lives.

Dr. Marilyn Joyce: 5 Keys to Unlimited Energy & Vitality

August 14, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.2 MB

Dr. Marilyn Joyce, Author of INSTANT ENERGY: 5 Keys to Unlimited Energy & Vitality. Dr. Joyce is a 5-time cancer survivor and was in a wheelchair at 88 pounds and had a week and a half to live. She will share the 5 minute actions that brought her back to life. She has appeared on all of the major TV Network Stations and has been featured in well-known publications.

Why is LOA Not Working For You? Richard Harper

August 06, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.5 MB

Join Constance Arnold and her special guest Richard Harper, Author of Consciously Wealthy. Richard will share universal principles to help you get unstuck and teach you how to align, trust and manifest your desires before the end of this year. Richard will share a special Karmic Cause Removal Treatment to assist you in releasing the blockages that have been hindering you from manifesting your dreams.

Stephanie Philp - Perfect Goal Setting

August 01, 2016 02:00 - 59 minutes - 53.2 MB

Join Constance and Stephanie Philp. Author, Master Coach and NLP Trainer. She will share powerful principles from her latest book:Goal Setting - 7 Principles to Achieve Remarkable Success. You will learn why people fail to achieve their goals, the Law of Attraction and your goals, why your goals should be unrealistic and easy. Stephanie will share how she attracted her favorite red car and a $3,000 black pearl.

Thank and Grow Rich - Pam Grout

July 24, 2016 23:00 - 59 minutes - 53.1 MB

Join Constance and her guest, Pam Grout who is a #1 New York Times Best Selling Author. She is the author of 16 books, a world traveler and millionaire. Pam's new book is THANK and Grow Rich: A 30-day experiment in shameless gratitude and unabashed joy. Pam will share how you can use gratitude and joy to bring increase into your life in the areas of money, creativity, socially and spiritually. Additionally, you will learn insight from some of the experiments in her book that will bring more a...

Dawn Mitchell: Author - 7 Spiritual Keys to Heal after Job Loss

July 17, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Join Constance and her guest Dawn Mitchell. Dawn is the Author of Light After a Layoff: Seven Spiritual Keys to Strengthen Resilience in the Midst of a Job Loss, Career Transition or Professional Setback which will be released in September. Her new book has been endorsed by Dr. Michael Beckwith. Dawn will share specific "How to's" that you can implement into your life when you are in the middle of a career transition. Some principles that you will learn will be: Knowing who you are, Changing ...

Will Downing - Award Winning R&B Singer/Songwriter

July 10, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

Join Constance and her guest Mr. Will Downing. Will has been recording for the past 28 years and is known as The Prince of Sophisticated Soul. He will share universal principles about his own sustained success and teach you how to implement success principles into your own life. Will was vulnerable and shared how he overcame a difficult sickness for over a year and returned to health and singing. His new album was released on July 8 and is entitled "Black Pearls" where he pays homage to some ...

Constance Arnold - Success - It's Not About You - Gary D. Hines

July 03, 2016 23:00 - 58 minutes - 52.3 MB

Gary D. Hines is the Founder, Director and Producer of Sounds of Blackness -Music that inspires and brings people together. He is a 3-time grammy winner and for the past 40 years he has recorded, performed, toured, written for and appeared with: Prince, Stevie Wonder, Quincey Jones, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin and Sting just to name a few. He will share how to deal with rejection in business, the 4 P's of success and how to maintain your vision during tough times. He will als...

Constance Arnold and Peter Adams - Live Show

June 26, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

Constance is joined by Peter Adams, author of Visualfestations, answering all Law of Attraction Questions!

Nick and Linda Martin: Ego and Spirit

June 19, 2016 23:00 - 57 minutes - 51.6 MB

Join Constance and her guests Dr. Nick Martin and Rev. Linda Martin as they share about the Ego and Spirit. You will learn about ego energy and how to change your ego energy and awaken more spiritually. Additionally the Martins will share how to become more conscious of the patterns in your life and how to heal your ego energy and begin manifesting the life of your dreams. and

Steve Rodgers - Fear to Success!

June 12, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 55 MB

Tune is as Constance interviews her special Guest Steve Rodgers. Steve worked with Warren Buffett for 8 years and was CEO of a Real Estate Company generating 25 billion in annual sales. Steve is a leader in helping others discover, maximize and increase their highest good and purpose in life and business.

Peter Adams - The Science of Getting Rich

June 05, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.7 MB

Join Constance and her guest, Pete Adams, Serial Entrepreneur and Author of VisualFestation System - How to Manifest The Life of Your Dreams. Pete will be sharing from the Work of Wallace Wattles' book the Science of Getting Rich which was written 100 years ago. He will share the principles using today's modern concepts, ideas and practical applications.

Judith Orloff - The Power of Surrender

May 29, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Join Constance and her guest, Dr. Judith Orloff, M.D. who is a board-certified psychiatrist, assistant professor of psychiatry at UCLA and New York Times best selling Author. Dr. Orloff will share principles around the power of surrender and how the ecstasy of surrender energizes your relationships, success and well being. You will learn why surrender is so powerful and is the antidote to stress and will bring you surprising ways of how letting go empowers your life.

Ask Constance Live Show

May 22, 2016 23:00 - 59 minutes - 53.2 MB

Tune in as Constance connects with and coaches listeners and answers their questions in the areas of relationships, law of attraction, wealth, health and other Universal Laws. As you know, Constance loves to give specific "how to's" and strategies to help people move from where they are to where they desire to be.

Allowing, Aligning and Manifesting

May 15, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.2 MB

Join Constance as she shares how to allow the things that you desire to manifest in your life. You will learn about the art of being, doing and having and Constance will share with you 20 ways that you can begin to stop wanting and start having. Tune in and hear how to become a vibrational match for anything that you desire and the principles that keep you aligned with your heart's desires.

Find Your Life's Purpose - Louise Presley-Turner

May 08, 2016 23:00 - 57 minutes - 52 MB

Join Constance and her guest Louise Presley-Turner, Top UK Coach and Hayhouse Author. Louise is known as one of the UK's most successful life and business coaches. She will share specific steps and techniques to start your own business. She will share with you the secrets of transforming your life and your business. She has appeared on BBC and other top magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Glamour and Natural Health.

Charles Mitchell - Successful Transitions

May 01, 2016 23:00 - 58 minutes - 52.3 MB

Join Constance and her special guest, Charles Mitchell. Charles is CEO with Charles Mitchell Productions and has a 25 year career in broadcast Media as an on air personality and radio programmer. He currently is the owner of an online radio station He will share success principles of how to successfully transition in life and have long-lasting success. You will learn the importance of developing your skill, the role of God in your long-lasting success, the power of a success ...

Shark Tank's April Yvette - Comeback Stronger

April 24, 2016 23:00 - 58 minutes - 53 MB

Join Constance and her guest April Yvette who is an entrepreneur, voted best innovation and woman of the year, speaker and guest on Shark Tank, Fox News and NBC. April shares how she made a strong comeback after a million dollar licensing deal was suddenly cancelled. You will learn 5 principles to empower you to make a strong comeback after life deals you an unexpected turn. She will share how to make the next brave move, how to find a way when there seems to be no way and how the act of surr...

Money Mindset for Champagne Living

April 17, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.4 MB

Join Constance and her guest Cassie Parks, Author, LOA Coach and Radio Talk Show Host. Cassie will be sharing specific tools and principles about The Law of Attraction so that you can learn to manifest in a playful and fun way. You will learn specific how to's to begin creating your own Champagne Life. Cassie will also share powerful examples of her own personal manifestations.

Visual Prayer - How to create a Spiritual Vision Board

April 10, 2016 23:00 - 59 minutes - 53.7 MB

Join Constance and her guest Dr. Crystal Green as she shares principles of creating a spiritual vision board. You will learn the differences between a spiritual vision board versus a regular vision board, the importance of engaging your Spirit in the creation process, how to use affirmations and mantras with your spiritual vision board and the role of biblical principles in the creation of your Spiritual vision board.

Dr. Matthew Anderson - The Resurrection of Romance

April 03, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Join Constance and her guest Dr. Matthew Anderson who will share how to create a world class romantic relationship that lasts a lifetime for both singles and couples. You will learn that romantic love is a gift from God and is available for us all. FOR SINGLES - You will learn the single most important key to find mister or miss right, what are some common myths about finding love, how to expand your inner love vessel to attract love and what you can begin to do today to find the best love fo...

Susan Shumsky, Awaken Your Divine Intutition

March 27, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.7 MB

Dr. Susan Shumsky is an author and spiritual teacher and for 50 years she has taught meditation, prayer, affirmation and intuition. She is an award winning author of 13 books. You will learn how to tap into an in-house counselor for inner guidance and inner genius, get the divine messages and inner guidance and test whether they are real, heal ego blockages that inhibit intuition, meditate and receive divine guidance and experience the divine presence anytime, anywhere. http://www.awakendivi...

Millen Livis - A Shift Towards Abundance

March 20, 2016 23:00 - 57 minutes - 51.4 MB

Join Constance and her 2 guests. Her first guest is Katie from Japan who will share how her decision to take a 15 minute daily baby step has created success in all aspects of her life and how her coaching with Constance has changed her life. Secondly, you will hear Millen Livis who will share about her new book "A Shift towards Abundance." You will learn how to change your relationship with money, how to develop a money consciousness, how to make better financial decisions and the golden rule...

5 Success Tips from the Law of Attraction Cruise!

March 13, 2016 23:00 - 1 hour - 54.6 MB

Join Constance as she shares powerful principles that were shared on The Law of Attraction Cruise. You will learn highlights in the areas of Wealth Consciousness, Developing the habit of thinking BIG, how to live a life filled with bliss and feeling good, journaling via The Law of Attraction and how to create miracles. You will receive an exercise after each principle that you can applied in your own life.

Constance Arnold - The 7 Master Steps to Success

March 07, 2016 00:00 - 58 minutes - 52.6 MB

Join Constance and her special guest, Peter Adams, Author of VisualFestation. You will learn the keys that you can begin to utilize and begin creating and manifesting the Life of your Dreams. You will gain a clear understanding of these 7 Laws that will produce miracles in your Life. The 7 keys are: Decide, Action, Focus, Faith, Consistency, Awareness and Gratitude.

Pray, Believe and Receive

February 29, 2016 00:00 - 59 minutes - 53.3 MB

Tune in and learn how to RECEIVE answers to your prayers. Have your been praying BUT it seems that your prayers are not being manifested. James E. Powers has 30 years as a Pastor and has trained leaders globally. During this podcast, you will learn how to PRAY, BELIEVE, RECEIVE. You will gain a clear understanding of the laws of prayer, how to prepare to live the answers to your prayers even before they manifest, the role of meditation and faith in your prayers and how to pray the solution no...

Sharron Ragan - Branding Your Business With Purpose

February 22, 2016 00:00 - 59 minutes - 53.9 MB

Sharron Ragan is a Brand Marketing Specialist who has worked with top marketing companies such as Apple, Coca-Cola, IBM and many more. Sharron helps entrepreneurs with an authentic brand image and align it with your true purpose and with your brand and business. You will learn the difference between brand development and branding, how to use the branding process the same as big name companies and steps you can take to develop a good brand. http://loaradionetwork....

Daily Rituals That Create Success

February 15, 2016 00:00 - 58 minutes - 52.9 MB

Join Constance as she shares about the Power of Daily rituals to create success in your life. She shares about successful people including Oprah, Bill Gates and Richard Branson and the daily rituals that they have used to create a successful life. She also shares 20 different rituals that you can begin to implement into your life.

Love Your Brain, Change Your World

February 08, 2016 00:00 - 59 minutes - 53.5 MB

Shonte Taylor is an Author, Neuroscientist and Success Coach. She is an expert in the area of your Brain. She specializes in how to optimize your brain, mind and potential. You will learn 7 ways that you can show your brain LOVE and begin to shift and create a new life. Shonte has also recorded a talk for Ted Talks which will be airing in the future. Http://

Ellie Savoy - Stop Dieting and Start Living

February 01, 2016 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

Ellie Savoy is the Author of the #1 International Best Selling book "Stop Dieting - Start Living: 5 Foundations for Your Health to Permanently Lose Weight Without Dieting, Starvation or Suffering in Silence." Ellie will share how to take small baby steps and transform from the inside-out to produce permanent weight loss and health.

Become a Miracle Worker in Your Own Life

January 25, 2016 00:00 - 1 hour - 55.3 MB

Dr. Bruno Cignacco, Author - Steps to Use the Almighty Ancient technique of Ho'oponopono. This tool is based on the principles of repentance, forgiveness, love and gratitude and it can be used to resolve all types of difficulties such as relationships, financial challenges and career problems. You will gain an understanding of the 4 phases that will begin to delete negative beliefs from your subconscious memories.

Alex Bratty - Getting Unstuck

January 18, 2016 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.9 MB

Alex Bratty will give you the tools to get unstuck, take back control of your life and go from Chaos to clarity. You will learn what is keeping you stuck, how to reprogram your mind for 2016, how to embrace the present and the future while being open to all possibilities. Constance will also share on how to break down your intentions with micro steps.

Power of Goal Setting for 2016 - Peter Adams

January 11, 2016 00:00 - 59 minutes - 53.1 MB

Join Constance and her guest Peter Adams, Author of Visualfestation as they share principles of Goal Setting for 2016. They will also coach a listener LIVE in the area of goal setting. You will learn The importance of Goals, how to write your goals, the importance of having burning desire and passion, how to create an ideal scene and journal around your goals and the power of deed not words and taking ACTION. Pete will be giving away his ebook FREE on The Visualfestation Guide to Successful E...

The Power of the Imagination - James Power

January 04, 2016 00:00 - 1 hour - 56.7 MB

Join Constance and her special guest and mentor of 20 years - James E. Powers. Start the year off with a bang! You will learn how too get a vision for your life for 2016, how to paint a portrait of your life, and how to become an artist and architect of your own life. You will also learn how to use meditation and your thoughts in connection with your imagination.

2015 Highlights and Self Discovery

December 27, 2015 22:00 - 1 hour - 55.5 MB

Join Constance as she shares some of the highlights from her guests in 2015. You will be reminded of Universal principles and have the opportunity to observe and examine your own behavior and make a decision to shift and change in 2016. It will be a self-inventory of your accomplishments and areas where you desire to change. As usual, Constance shares the "How to's of Change." Http://

You Were Meant To Prosper

December 21, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.5 MB

Jaden Sterling is the author of The Alchemy of True Success. Jaden reached the top 1% of income earners in the United States at the age of 26. He will be sharing the following: What you can do today to change your prosperity, Understanding the Money Meter, The New Economy and what will happen financially in 2016 and how to receive $1,000.00 in free gifts.

Wealth Tips & Relationship Coaching

December 14, 2015 00:00 - 59 minutes - 53.8 MB

Join Constance and her guest Richard Harper, Author - Consciously Wealthy. They will share tips on creating abundance and wealth in your life. Additionally, Constance will be coaching live in the area of Attracting Genuine Love.

James E. Power - Developing a Renewed Mind

December 07, 2015 00:00 - 57 minutes - 51.7 MB

Join Constance and her Mentor of 20 years, James E. Power, as he shares insights and practical application of transformational thinking, living and being. You will learn the importance of a renewed mind, portraits of a renewed mind, the thinking process, the power of thoughts, the outcomes of a renewed mind and the relationship of a renewed mind and answered prayers.

How to Become a Deliberate Creator for the Last 30 Days of 2015

November 30, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.8 MB

The Teaching Ministry of Constance Arnold Presents How to Become a Deliberate Creator for the Last 30 Days of 2015. You will learn the difference between The Law of Attraction and The Law of Deliberate Creation, The Law of Alignment, Partnering with God and The Universe, and How to Design your Plans for the next 30 days. Additionally, you will understand how to refocus your attention and feelings, how to be open and flexible, and how to trust timing for your manifestations. Lastly, you will l...

What are you Propheying to YOURSELF?

November 23, 2015 00:00 - 58 minutes - 52.8 MB

Dr. Michael Mosley is an Author, Pastor, Prophet and Intuitive Hypnotherapist. With over 25 year experience, Dr. Mosley will be sharing how to activate your prophetic ability and accelerate your goals, intentions and dreams. He will also share prophetic words to nations and individuals for the remainder of this year.

Live Coaching with Constance Arnold

November 16, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

Tune in as Constance coaches listeners with solutions and strategies in all areas of their lives.  Also Constance will share her weekly success tip which you can implement into your life to align, implement and accelerate your dreams.

Live Coaching with Constance Arnold

November 16, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.3 MB

Tune in as Constance coaches listeners with solutions and strategies in all areas of their lives.  Also Constance will share her weekly success tip which you can implement into your life to align, implement and accelerate your dreams.

Penney Peirce - The Power of Personal Vibration

November 09, 2015 00:00 - 58 minutes - 52.6 MB

Penney Peirce is a pioneer in the intuition development movement. She is a popular author, lecturer, counselor and trainer and has taught around the world. She will be sharing definition of your own personal vibration, becoming aware of your feeling habits, how to free yourself from a negative vibration, how to feel your home frequency, the law of attraction and vibrations, how to create a high frequency life and how to create your dreams.

Dr. Bruno Cignacco - How to Manifest Money Effortlessly

November 02, 2015 00:00 - 1 hour - 54.4 MB

Join Constance as she talks with Dr. Bruno Cignacco who has studied the Metaphysics for more than 17 years. He will be sharing about specific techniques to be more prosperous. You will learn about wrong and negative assumptions about money and how to create new positive connotations, How to use the Law of Attraction and vibration to attract money, the relationship between playfulness and a prosperous life, visualization and money, how to use affirmations effectively and the role of the subcon...

Maura Sweeney - Living Happy Inside Out!

October 25, 2015 23:00 - 59 minutes - 53.9 MB

Maura Sweeney is the Author of Living Happy Inside Out. Tune in and learn principles of how to create a happy, purposeful and abundant life from the inside out. You will learn universal principles that you can begin TODAY to implement into your life NOW. Maura will share specific exercises that will teach you how to make dramatic shifts in your beliefs about happiness.
