Trigger warning: This podcast has mentions OCD, CPTSD, parental death, childhood illness and hospitalisation, pandemic and mental health.


When you think of hypnosis, what do you think of? People clucking like a chicken on a stage with all their mates laughing at them? Me too! But not after this fascinating chat with Shauna. Oh no, this Woman will teach you how to make your mind work for you, not against you. That when you tap into what you appreciate about yourself and learn the art of the Wishcraft, you really can turn wishes into actions and make them a reality. 


We talk about how Shauna went from being burnt out working in the fashion and publishing industry to finding more meaning and purpose in her life through hypnosis and self-directed neuroplasticity. How through tapping into and reclaiming our childlike states we can use fantasy and imagination to transcend difficult experiences and build a better future for us all. 


Key points from the conversation:

Suspending disbelief - the difference between having a somatic experience whilst watching a movie (ie: don’t go up those stairs!!) and watching a behind the scenes where you are aware that it’s not real.

How the brain doesn’t know the difference between something we vividly imagine and something that is real. 

How you can work through childhood trauma and shame using the medicine of the imagination.

How building compassion can help us embrace more positivity to stop us from getting stuck in negativity bias. 

Being a sceptic and how to find balance the spiritual world and being a grounded, present human being. 

How water was believed to be sacred and the gods lived in it which is how wishing wells in the UK were created. A way to communicate with the gods.

Can you be too spiritual? Does spirituality give you a judgement and empathy bypass? 

Shauna Cummins is a certified Clinical Hypnosis Practitioner with a private practice in New York, author of Wishcraft (2021), holder of ceremonies, multi-disciplinary artist and founder of Divine Feminine School of Hypnosis and Mind Massage Hotline.

She is the resident event hypnotist at The Four Seasons Hotel New York Downton and regularly teaches workshops and conducts ceremonies in NYC and abroad. She also creates hypnotic sound art and installations. Her work has been featured at various wellbeing centres, galleries, events and publications across the globe.  


The method she developed and works with is called Wishcraft™. Wishcraft is self-hypnosis that teaches the art of well-wishing as a practice for changing thought patterns and beliefs, turning wishes into action. She currently lives in the woods in a magical healing house with three wishing wells in upstate New York.


Reach out to Shauna here:

Grab a copy of Wishcraft here:



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This podcast is brought to you by Welford Wellbeing. It’s a collection of conversations based on all the things I wish I'd known before I had a mental breakdown and a spiritual awakening.

TIWIK is a love letter to my younger self. A conversation about all the things we were told not to talk about. A sharing of knowledge, emotions and laughs. A potential handbook (or the audio equivalent) on how to master your mental health and fall back in love with yourself!

Nothing is off limits. We talk about everything from dating, suicide and mental health through to make up, skin care, magic and spirituality. It's all the things I wish I'd known when I was younger so hopefully me and my guests will save you some heartache, provide some laughs, and inspire you to try something new helping you to grow from the inside out.



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Season Four Playlist

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