Sometimes in life, we reach a point where things start feeling comfortable but somewhat lackluster. 

It might be that you're stuck in a job you don't love, you find yourself without the purpose of raising your children once they leave home, you're approaching retirement but unsure about the next chapter, or perhaps you're hesitant to pursue that long-awaited dream.

If you resonate with any of these scenarios, or even if you foresee yourself facing them in the future, I have an episode that you absolutely shouldn't miss!

In this week's episode of Thin Thinking Podcast, I had the honor of interviewing the incredible Laurie Wright, also known as "Not Your Average Grandma." Laurie is a late-in-life purpose finder who made the brave decision to leave her corporate job and pursue her dreams. Today, she is a master neuro coach, guiding individuals towards igniting the spark within them and creating a fulfilling second half of life. Her story is truly inspiring, and her insights can transform the way you approach your own journey.

Laurie will take us on a captivating journey through her personal experiences, highlighting how she found her purpose after burning out and discovering her true passion. Her wisdom and expertise have helped numerous people reignite their lives with purpose and vitality. 

Whether you're currently feeling stuck or simply seeking inspiration for the future, this episode promises to deliver valuable insights and actionable steps to infuse your life with that much-needed spark.

So, grab a cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's discover how to embrace the possibilities of life's second half and redefine what it means to live with purpose.

What are you waiting for? Come on in!



"How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good."


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In This Episode, You’ll Also Learn…

Laurie’s journey to becoming a master neuro coach and what led her to help other people. How Laurie helps other people find their purpose in the second half of their lives.  How living up to others' expectations of you causes unhappiness. 


Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Take the Empty Nester Quiz Laurie Wright's Website Laurie Wright's Facebook Laurie Wright's Instagram Laurie Wright's Youtube Channel  Get your discounted exercise hypnosis 3-pack here Join my FREE Masterclass:  "How to Stop the "Start Over Tomorrow" Weight Struggle Cycle and Begin Releasing Weight for Good." Sign up for the FREE HYPNOSIS DOWNLOAD : Shift Out of Sugar Cravings My book, From Fat to Thin Thinking: Unlock Your Mind for Permanent Weight Loss (Includes a 30-day hypnosis process.) What would you love to hear about on the podcast? Click here and let me know Subscribe to the email list so that you never miss an episode! Get more thin thinking tools and strategies