Alex Merry – TEDx Founder and Executive Speaking Coach On this week’s show, I’m joined by Alex Merry, founder of TEDx in Clapham and an Executive Speaking Coach. Alex shares with us his early journey through school and university (Birmingham) which lead him to working for a Dragon’s Den success story and on to founding […]

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Alex Merry – TEDx Founder and Executive Speaking Coach

On this week’s show, I’m joined by Alex Merry, founder of TEDx in Clapham and an Executive Speaking Coach. Alex shares with us his early journey through school and university (Birmingham) which lead him to working for a Dragon’s Den success story and on to founding a TEDx in London.
Alex explains his method which he uses to coach all of his speaking clients and that’s the “Four Stages of Awareness”. It’s a fascinating part of the show and below you’ll see the diagram explaining the various stages and what they mean (*note – the diagram is upside down to the way that Alex explains it, but it still makes sense).
Alex’s obsession with the Olympics (his goal in life is to attend every single games for the rest of his life) and Jamie Oliver (his role model) are also covered in this episode.
I want to thank Alex for being such an easy guest to interview, who was very forthcoming with his knowledge and thoroughly entertaining at the same time. You can find Alex on Twitter and if you tweet him right away, he’s in Rio at the 2016 Olympics as we speak. He might respond with a photo of the ladies beach volleyball… you’ll need to listen to the show to get that joke!
The 4 stages of learning

The post Alex Merry appeared first on Mr Matt Young.

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