Let’s not kid ourselves, we all have cancellations in our business from time to time. Regardless of how good you are, how effective your treatment is, they will still occur.

So, what do you do when it does occur? What do you say? How do you deal with the situation? How do you turn a negative into a positive?

Loads and loads of questions that need to be answered. And more so, loads of these answers hold the key to how your business can decrease cancellations but also learn and grow from them as a result.

In this podcast, I go through several of the first steps that all team members must be aware of and know when they answer a phone call to do with a client cancelling an appointment.

It’s simple, quick and easy to learn but does take a little bit of practice to implement. The best news is that its simple, easy and effective for everyone to be able to work from this model to ultimately create a large positive from a negative but also getting the simple and little things right from the very start of that cancellation conversation.