Whether its an awkward client, a weird client or just someone that makes your team member feel like something isn’t quite normal. We all have them in our business at one point or another.

The real challenge is being able to show strong leadership and do everything as your team members need, but at the same time not creating a difficult ongoing challenge with the client either.

As a business owner and leader, we need to protect our team and that’s not saying that these situations always become legal or difficult but there’s many clients that probably have been seen in your business in the past years that are probably best if those types of clients aren’t seen in your business in the years to come.

The good news is that you can get the best of both worlds. You can be the strong manager and leader that your team needs, creating a safe and secure environment for them but also enable the client that’s not the right fit for your team to be removed from your care in a safe and secure way that won’t create any anger, frustration, or further complications ahead.

It really is a delicate topic that’s not spoken about enough but here’s a great way that we’ve instructed one of our clients this week as to how to best deal with these situations.