What an awesome podcast this one is today.

Toby Atkins, the owner of Atkins Health turns the tables on me in this reverse podcast style episode.

Toby and I decided to turn the cameras on at the last minute, while speaking on his couch and let Toby fire away with business, team and growth questions that I was hearing for the first time.

And what a great podcast it turned out to be as we discuss the best ways to motivate your team to market and grow your business, without your assistance or need to push them all the time.

We also discuss the best structure to promote your business, marketing and branding with your teams involvement and the tried and tested ways to ensure your business fires strongly and grows rapidly, with little to no time invested by yourself as the business owner.

Enjoy this podcast as it’s an open look into the best ways to guarantee motivated team members that will grow your business and provide amazing customer experience along the way.