This is the second instalment of “The 3 best steps to create raving fans” after the value and golf nuggets in the first episode ran over time. We thought it was best to have a second podcast to go through the second and third steps to ensure as much value as possible.

"Raving fans and loyal clients are one of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to build and grow your business sustainably over time.

And everyone says that they work hard on this and have a great referring source for their business.

But is it really true? Is everyone really great at creating raving fans?

Ultimately, what we see is that no, they’re not but yet it is something that is super important and needs to be better worked on for all health and medical businesses.

Chatting in this podcast today with allied health business owner, Scott Fisher from Empowered Healthcare, we very easily learn the 3 best steps to create raving fans to ensure sustained and controlled growth in the easiest, cheapest and most effective way possible."