You might have a new team member or maybe you’ve had the same team for a while now. Either way, everyone in all teams needs a jumpstart every so often.

Now, I’m not saying that there doing anything wrong or that there’s a problem but it’s human behaviour for everyone to slightly come off the boil and for everyone to need a refresher. A jumpstart of sorts.

We always like to upskill our practitioners and keep them on top of their workload, their skillset, and their clinical reasoning but when was the last time we actually had a focus on the reception and admin team and gave them the jumpstart they need to be even better than what they currently are.

This podcast is all about showing what we need to look for to know when to jumpstart the reception team and the best way to do it.

It’s a simple 4-step process which enables us to be more efficient and effective, close more sales, convert more, grow the business, reduce cancellations and so much more.

The reception and admin team are the pillars of every organisation and as such ensuring we jumpstart all our reception team on a regular basis is crucial for your ongoing success.