Surely, LinkedIn is just another social media channel that’s going to suck up more of your time and not help you grow your business?

Surely, LinkedIn is just another digital marketplace where none of your clients are anyway, so we shouldn’t bother spending any of our time there either?

Surely, there’ll be another excuse as to not having time or how not leveraging LinkedIn to your business?

These questions and statements and many more are regular comments that are used in your business when they talk about LinkedIn.

But, regardless of what you think about LinkedIn at the moment, LinkedIn is an important avenue in the digital marketplace that you must be able to work with and leverage out the benefit of your health and medical business.

The great news is, is that it is a completely different platform to the more utilised platforms used by many, ie, Facebook and Instagram. But unlike its predecessors, there are some much easier and simpler tools and tactics that you can simply leverage and achieve a much larger benefit to your business.

In this podcast, the International LinkedIn Strategist and Marketing guru, Judi Fox from America is here to provide some amazing insights, tips, and tactics that you can easily implement in your business immediately and reap the benefits of LinkedIn to grow your health and medical business.