Don’t you just hate it when the best laid plans don’t work out?

You spent so long planning it all out. Putting in many hours of time and effort. Maybe you even set aside time on your diary, saw less clients and decreased your revenue, to ensure you planned things out really well.

Further, you followed the advice of what so many business “experts” say you needed to do regarding the planning of a successful business.

And at the end of the three months… well… it just didn’t go as it should… and it was far from what you wanted…or needed to be honest.

Unfortunately this story is all too familiar for health business owners.

They create amazing plans. Fantastic ideals. Invest the time and energy and move ahead to implement…and their best laid plans come unstuck.

As business owners we believe we are invincible and most of us in the health industry come from sporting backgrounds. Now regardless of your sporting background, no one really enjoys running marathons. Yes you might have done a few, like myself. But honestly, you never can actually really enjoy them.

Marathons leave you tired. Exhausted. Hungry. Maybe injured. And often hating yourself for being involved with it in the first place. And so many things can go wrong that so easily ruin your day.

Just like your best laid out three month business plans.

But the great news is that there is a simple solution. A simple way to ensure you don’t turn your three month business plan into the dreaded marathon leaving you exhausted, hungry, injured and hating yourself.

So jump into this podcast and let me show you how to avoid the dreaded three month business plan and instead, use the best approach that ensures your success and leaves you avoiding a business plan that’s doomed to fail, before you even start.