Over "Doing" is a cover up and mask for underlying emotional pain, predominantly UNconscious fear of feeling insecure and not good enough.  

My client, Kris and I talk about why this happens and how to stop it!  Human beings are automatically taught to DO more than feel in order to survive through life.

Simply put, we are taught to do more to have more to be happy and fulfilled.

This is completely wrong! Actually, counterproductive. I lived this way, and it NEVER worked, nor was it ever close to sustainable.

It's counter intuitive, and I've learned by experience that the fastest, freest funest way to live the life of our DREAMS is to feel happy and fulfilled first. This makes do-ing feel virtually effortless and materializing the results becomes inevitable. 

#EmpoweringYouThroughUs #KarenLoveLeeEmpowersYOU