“Your story inspired me to reach out to you,” which was truly flattering when Bee from Manifesting Squad, and I spoke for the first time! All the way across international waters in Germany, Bee found me on ListenNotes.com, the #1 search engine for podcasts, which I had never seen. With 500,000 podcasts, what are the chances that Bee would connect to mine with no marketing platform?? Zero! I don’t believe in chance. It was, once again, the Law of Attraction at play!! 

#WomenEmpoweringWomen ~ Manifestation Coach, Bee shares, “When I read about your non-profit work, I thought it’s so inspiring...I am all about supporting women and helping them to better their lives and overcome fear. Women should support each other, which is very beautiful.” 

#RealRawRelatable ~ Bee opens up about how she got into and out of an abusive relationship, leading her to who and where she is today. I asked her to give us her #1 unblocker-tip to manifest abundance, and #1 tip to speed up the #LawOfAttraction! #KarenLoveLee #ThePowerOfSelfEVOLution #EmpoweringYouThroughUs

Manifestation Coach, Bee K:  https://manifestingsquad.com/

Elite Evolved Entrepreneur Empowerment Training: Contact [email protected]