Warren Buffett's Best Investment Advice: YOU are Your BEST Asset ~ #BankOnYOU

Kris and I discuss how to build and maintain belief and trust in yourSELF when you don't see or have any evidence of results, money, profits, etc. #InvestInYOU 

This requires looking backwards into your past to look for the proof to prove yourself WRONG. Meaning, there is actually real evidence from past successful experiences that reminds you of those times that instilling FAITH paid off big time!

My definition of #BlindFaith is not only believing with NO evidence, but BELIEVING when the evidence stacks against you and what you're trying to achieve. Kris shares the perfect example of real estate deals falling out the day of closing..... #BelieveBeforeSeeing

The human mind can be a bit devious, simply because of the subconscious mind's ability to imagine the worst case scenario, not the best!!!! Transformative Consciousness counteracts this.