Previous Episode: IRL Money Coaching - Daniel
Next Episode: SelfLove = Prosperity

#KarenLoveLeePodcast #EmpoweringYouThroughUs

IRL money coaching with Derek, who profoundly uncovers an unconscious money block from 3 years old, directly related to his father’s abusive anger issues. Two days after his session he sent me this text, “Just got a big [rental] booking after being vacant for a month, feeling great! This is a 160% return (ROI - Return On Investment).”

This first-time ever coaching with Derek is a #DreamComeTrue case-study. The depth of Derek’s innate courage to disclose childhood trauma with open-heartedness resulted in massive breakthroughs with his #SelfRespect #SelfConfidence #SelfEmployment & #SelfMadeMoney !! This is a wealth of supercharged human beingness and inner-power, which are spiritual assets. #SpiritCreatesWealth #WealthCreatesMoney

Our #MoneyRelationship has everything to do with our relationship to our SELF, first and foremost---then our parents, which is subconsciously deep-seated from childhood. Learning and understanding this eerie, yet radically mind-blowing connection gave me prosperous #SelfFREEDOM in the area of finances!!!! This means that money doesn’t control me, my emotions, my moods and my life! I can no longer use money as an excuse, feeding into wicked self-sabotage, which I did most of my life, to limit mySELF and my DREAMS!  

* TESTIMONIAL & CASE STUDY: Listen to the bonus podcast audio of Derek's "astonishing" breakthrough results and rewards!!!!

“There’s more and less to money than what meets the eye. Studying and understanding the obvious and UNobvious intricacies within our UNconscious mind gives us direct access to our #SuperHuman #SuperNatural #ThinkAndGrowRich abilities.” ~ #KarenLoveLee

* To apply to be coached on Karen Love Lee’s #MagnetizeProsperity podcast please contact [email protected] and type “Apply for PSE Podcast” in the subject line.

For Exclusive Empowerment Coaching inquiries and information, please contact [email protected] and type “Elite 1 On 1 Coaching” in the subject line.