*Note: So sorry, I messed up! Somehow I didn't record Kris's audio, so you can only hear me, and was just made aware of this by the brilliant Kris, himself!! #LessonLearned with my production skills, which clearly need improvement. #GameOn

When it comes to progress the human brain fears the lack thereof. The last thing we want to do is scale back in order to scale up. Who in their right mind wants to go backwards, especially when huge progress has been made.  By nature we do not want to feel like we are losing momentum and progression. We fear feeling stuck, especially feeling like we're losing traction. 

Kris opens up about having to go through this as he steps into greater endeavors as an entrepreneur. #StepByStep

A SuperHuman mindset requires being willing to go back to the fundamentals. Almost in essence, feeling like we're starting over. We must also be willing to let go of all expectations. This is so counter-intuitive simple because it feels counter-productive. 

However, it's not. Once we understand what's really going on underneath the fears. The key is to comprehend how our brain tricks us to believe we are losing, when in actuality we end up resetting in preparation to win---bigger, better, brighter!!!!! #MindOverMatter