Have you ever given your pet a massage? If you’ve ever stroked your pet lovingly from neck to tail, then you have! Most of us think of a relaxing deep tissue massage when think about massage therapy. In fact, pet massage involves many different techniques, and this week I talked with an expert in the field to learn more about the benefits of pet massage and get some tips for pet owners at home who would like to give their furry companion a massage once in a while.

Jacqueline Newholm is a trained pet massage therapist based in the UK. Her business, Big Brown Dog Therapy, just celebrated its one year anniversary. However, Jacqueline has been involved with pet message for much longer than that. In this week’s episode she talks about the many benefits of pet massage and shares some tips for pet owners about massaging their companion at home.

You learn about the science behind pet massage and the many different ailments that it can help to treat. Did you know that massage is also beneficial for working animals and animals that compete in sporting competitions? It can help to stimulate the muscles and warm them up, which helps to prevent injury. Jacqueline discusses all of this and so much more in this week’s episode.