Losing a beloved pet is one of the most difficult experiences. It’s heartbreaking. Our pets become members of our family, and when we lose them there is a hole left in our hearts. Suzanna Lane is an author from New York City, and she was devastated after the loss of her first dog, Sammy. She felt compelled to write a book about Sammy’s life and the changes that he made to hers.

You see, Sammy was a rescue dog. Anyone who has ever loved a rescue pet understands that the bond you form with them is different than the bond formed when you adopt a pet as a baby. You’re rescuing them. You’re saving their life. And, if you’re as lucky as Suzanne, they just might rescue you too.

This week’s podcast focuses on the benefits of adopting pets over purchasing from a pet store or breeder. We also discuss Suzanne’s book, A Little Sammy Music. Both Suzanne and I share stories of the beloved rescue pets that we have adopted over the years and the meaning that they have brought to our lives.